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Issue Details

Issue #9
Published [August 1987]
Cover Price 1.95 USD
Pages 36
Editing Bill Black

Cover Details - "Femforce Is Finished!"

Characters Rad; Nightveil; She-Cat; Tara Freemont
Genre superhero
Pencils Tom Mendber, Jr.
Inks Tom Mendber, Jr.
Colors Rebekah Black?

22 page Femforce story "Breakables"

Synopsis "Back from the past, troubles a'brewin' for the Femforce. In order for She-cat to hold in check the power of the evil cat -diety that possesses her, she must form a psychic bond with another being. For decades, that bond was with Joan Wayne, A. K. A Ms. Victory. But Joan and Ms. V. no longer exist-thanks to a forced overdose of the compound that gives Ms. V. her powers.(It happened in Nightveil #7) Now, only the unstable and antisocial Rad exists in Joan's place. She-cat's bond is gone, and the goddess Sehkmet is in complete control. Oh, and Rad plans to disband the Femforce, too. All this in "Breakables", written by Wes Covington, with pencils by Dell Barras, and inks by Danny Taverna. Guest starring Tom Kelly, Stella Stargaze, and introducing Colt as new leader of the Femforce." from
Genre superhero
Script Wes Covington
Pencils Dell Barras
Inks Danny Taverna
Colors Rebekah Black?
Notes cont'd from NIGHTVEIL #7