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Issue Details

Issue #83
Published December 1982
Cover Price $1.50
Pages 68
Editing Larry Hama

Cover Details

Genre sword and sorcery
Pencils Jeff Easley
Inks Jeff Easley
Reprinted in Conan Saga (Marvel, 1987 series) #68

1 page illustration

Genre sword and sorcery
Pencils Armando Gil
Inks Armando Gil

31 page Conan story "The Demon In the Dark!"

Characters V: Bor'aqh Sharaq, V'zhorr-Lok
Genre sword and sorcery
Script Michael Fleisher
Pencils Alfredo Alcala
Inks Alfredo Alcala
Letters Joe Rosen
Notes cont'd from last issue

6 page Conan story "Hunters and Hunted!"

Characters V: Sylvana and her sister (I for both); I: Ferus (D)
Genre sword and sorcery
Script Alan Zelenetz
Pencils Mary Wilshire
Inks Mary Wilshire
Letters Rick Parker

10 page Red Sonja story "Red Sonja"

Characters Red Sonja; Amir; Lurhan; King Ghannif; Trolus; Conan; Lucrezia
Synopsis When Red Sonja returns with a tiara she was sent for by King Ghannif she learns her "reward" is to be made a part of his harem.
Genre sword and sorcery
Script Roy Thomas
Pencils Esteban Maroto
Inks Neal Adams; Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]
Notes Neal Adams and Ernie Chan removed from pencils and Estaban Maroto removed from inks based on information from the checklist on [MN 9/2007]
Reprinted from Savage Sword of Conan, The (Marvel, 1974 series) #1 (August 1974)

8 page Solomon Kane story "Red Seas"

Characters Solomon Kane; Stewart (Introduction, villain, death)
Genre sword and sorcery
Script Mary Jo Duffy
Pencils Danny Bulanadi
Inks Joe Rosen
Letters Joe Rosen
Notes This story ends with Solomon Kane stuck on a ship not scheduled to touch land again until reaching the Far East, but there were no follow-ups dealing with this situation.
Reprinted in Saga of Solomon Kane, The (Dark Horse, 2009) [nn]