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Issue Details

Issue #1
Published February-March 1952
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Editing Albert B. Feldstein

Cover Details

Pencils Albert B. Feldstein
Inks Albert B. Feldstein
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

1 page foreword, introduction, preface, afterword "Shock Talk"

Script Albert B. Feldstein
Letters Typeset
Notes Inside front cover intro to Shock SuspenStories.

8 page Shock SuspenStories story "The Neat Job!"

Synopsis An abused housewife married to a neat freak snaps one day and neatly dices the sections of his body into small jars.
Genre Crime
Script Albert B. Feldstein
Pencils Jack Kamen
Inks Jack Kamen
Colors Marie Severin
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

7 page Shock SuspenStories story "Yellow!"

Synopsis A colonel's son faces the firing squad for cowardice under fire and the man lies to his boy that he will see to it that the rifles are loaded with blanks and he will later smuggle the body out so that his son will go to his death like a man.
Genre War
Script Albert B. Feldstein
Pencils Jack Davis
Inks Jack Davis
Colors Marie Severin
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

1 page text story "Last Will"

Script Albert B. Feldstein
Letters Typeset
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

1 page text story "Alibi!"

Script Albert B. Feldstein
Letters Typeset
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

6 page Shock SuspenStories story "The Monsters!"

Synopsis Aliens deposit their mutant births on Earth which to them appear as horrible monsters, but appear as regular humans to the Earth men.
Genre Science Fiction
Script Albert B. Feldstein
Pencils Joe Orlando
Inks Joe Orlando
Colors Marie Severin
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)

7 page Shock SuspenStories story "The Rug!"

Synopsis A grizzly skins a hunter and makes a rug out of him.
Genre Horror
Script Albert B. Feldstein
Pencils Graham Ingels
Inks Graham Ingels
Colors Marie Severin
Reprinted In Shock SuspenStories (Russ Cochran, 1992 series) #1 (September 1992)