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Issue Details

Issue #6
Published September 1941
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 68
Editing Joe Simon

Cover Details - "As the Hangman pulled the noose, Captain America struck!"

Characters Captain America; Bucky; The Hangman (villain)
Genre superhero
Pencils Jack Kirby
Inks Jack Kirby ?
Notes Ink credit from Greg Theakston. Some info added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008)

1 page Captain America foreword, introduction, preface, afterword "Captain America Contents"

Characters Captain America; Bucky; V: the Hangman.
Synopsis Illustrated contents page listing the strips, some story titles and synopses.
Genre superhero
Pencils Jack Kirby
Inks Joe Simon
Letters typeset
Notes Found on the inside front cover. Notes and all info [except credits] added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

16 page Captain America story "Captain America Battles The Camera Fiend and His Darts of Doom"

Characters Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bucky [Bucky Barnes]; The Sentinels of Liberty [Tubby; Jeff Sandervilt] (introduction); The Camera Fiend (introduction) (villain) [Professor Lucius Hall).]
Synopsis Cap and Bucky, along with the Sentinels of Liberty face an arch villain who uses his camera that fires poisoned needles at anyone who stands in his way of securing the Crown Jewels arriving in America from England.
Genre superhero
Script Joe Simon; Jack Kirby (signed)
Pencils Joe Simon; Jack Kirby (signed)
Inks Joe Simon (signed)
Notes Pencil credits from Greg Theakston. Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008)

9 page Captain America story "Meet the Fang, Arch-Fiend of the Orient"

Characters Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bucky [Bucky Barnes]; Sergeant Duffy; Betty Ross; Chan; Liang; The Fang (introduction) (villain); Baron Nushima (villain); Chu Yin (villain)
Synopsis Cap and Bucky battle against the evil Fang and Baron Nushima, who seek to prevent two emissaries from China from obtaining money loans from the American government.
Genre superhero
Script Joe Simon; Jack Kirby
Pencils Joe Simon; Jack Kirby
Inks Joe Simon
Notes Pencil credits from Greg Theakston. Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Fantasy Masterpieces (Marvel, 1966 series) #6; in Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

6 page Father Time story "The Grim Reaper Deals With Crime"

Characters Father Time (Larry Scott)[I, origin]; John Scott (I, D; Larry's father); Villains: Chips Bryant, Spike.
Synopsis Because he was delayed by crooks guilty of a crime, Larry Scott's father dies for that crime, and so he decides to make time also work for the forces of law and Father Time!
Genre superhero
Script Stan Lee (signed)
Pencils Al Avison (signed)
Inks Al Gabriele (signed)
Notes Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

16 page Captain America story "The Strange Case of Captain America and The Hangman: Who Killed Doctor Vordoff"

Characters Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bucky [Bucky Barnes]; Dutchy Ludwig (death); Dino Cardi (death); Major Crane; The Hangman (villain) (introduction) (death) [Dr. Nicolai Vardoff]; un-named gun moll (death)
Synopsis Cap and Bucky get on a merry-go-round on intrigue and murder in order to find the supposed murderer of a Dr. Vardoff, who has created a single strand of silken thread as strong as steel.
Genre superhero
Script Joe Simon; Jack Kirby
Pencils Joe Simon; Jack Kirby
Inks Joe Simon
Notes Pencil credits from Greg Theakston. Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

2 page Captain America text story "Trap For a Traitor"

Characters Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bucky [Bucky Barnes]; The Sentinels of Liberty [Larry David];V: Bill Haynes.
Synopsis Bucky glimpses a man whom he and Cap had thrown into prison a few months back following him, and, not wanting to allow him to see that Steve Rogers and Captain America were one and the same person, decides to enlist the aid of the Sentinels of Liberty member to warn Cap of what was happening.
Genre superhero
Script Stan Lee (signed)
Pencils Jack Kirby
Inks Joe Simon
Letters typeset
Notes Art credits, synopsis and other info added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

1 page Marvel Mystery #23 advertisement "Sizzling With Thrills"

Characters The Sub-Mariner; the Human Torch; Toro
Synopsis Illustrated promotional ad for Marvel Mystery Comics #23, with cover reproduced [art by Alex Schomburg].
Genre superhero
Notes Sequence added and all info provided by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

5 page Headline Hunter, Foreign Correspondent story "The Engine of Destruction"

Characters "Headline" Hunter [Jerry Hunter]; V: Lord Wotonby (I, D).
Synopsis While searching for a story on the outskirts of London, Jerry Hunter runs across a mysterious factory, where a secret weapon is supposedly being produced. Knowing that the owner was a former Fascist, he investigates the place and discovers it to be a Nazi stronghold.
Genre crime
Script Stan Lee (signed)
Pencils Jack Binder?
Inks Jack Binder?
Notes Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

1 page Sentinels of Liberty Secret Club News filler

Characters Captain America; Bucky
Synopsis This illustrated page includes a message from Captain America to readers, Bucky's column, two activities for readers to complete and the code chart for the Sentinels of Liberty.
Genre superhero
Notes Sequence and all info added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

1 page Sentinels of Liberty advertisement "Join Captain America's Crusade Against Traitors to the U.S.A.!"

Characters Captain America; Bucky
Synopsis Illustrated promotional ad for the Sentinels of Liberty, whose goal was to have 100,000 members by July 4th, 1941.
Genre superhero
Notes Sequence and all info added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008)

7 page Hurricane, Master of Speed story "The Boarding House Murders"

Characters Hurricane [Harry Kane]; Mrs. Hagor; Mr. Crowley; Valez; Miss Sleed; V: The Menace (I; Mr. Sander).
Synopsis Hurricane is traveling the streets of New York seeking lodging for the night, but a small girl warns him not to seek a room at a near-by boarding house since two mysterious murders have occurred there.
Genre superhero
Script Stan Lee?
Pencils Charles Nicholas
Inks Charles Nicholas
Notes Much info and synopsis added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).

1 page Captain America filler "There is Only One Captain America"

Characters Captain America; Bucky.
Synopsis Illustrated informational ad that warns readers to beware of other company's mimic imitators of Captain America, Bucky and the Sentinels of Liberty.
Genre superhero
Letters typeset
Notes Found on the inside back cover. Sequence and all info added by Craig Delich 1-4-09.
Reprinted In Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (Marvel, 2005 series) #2 (2008).