Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.

Issue Details

Issue #1
Published February 1935
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 0.10 USD; 0.25 CAD
Pages 36
Editing Lloyd Jacquet; Dick Loederer (art editor); Sheldon H. Stark (cartoon editor); H. D. Cushing (advertising manager); Rexford L. May (circulation manager); Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson (president)
Notes While Lloyd Jacquet claimed (in an interview conducted by Bob Hughes) that the indicia title of this issue is actually "Fun Comics #1", according to Roy Thomas this is not the case, as shown in the complete indicia as reproduced in Alter Ego #88 (some words are unclear due to the small print, and may have minor transcription errors): New FUN is published monthly at 49 West 45th Street, New York, N.Y., by National Allied Publications, Inc.; Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, President; T. J. B. Nicholson, Treasurer; Richard Heins, Asst. Treasurer; B. Andreen, Secretary. Second-class entry pending at the Post Office, Brooklyn, New York. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 1935, by National Allied Publications, Inc. Single copies 10 cents; (25 cents in Canada). Subscription price, twelve issues, $1.00 in the United States, Mexico, and American possessions. To all other foreign countries in the Postal Union, $2.60 payable in advance and inclluding postage. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or cartoons, although care will be exercised in handling them. All manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelops for their return if found unsuitable. The contents of this magazine must not be reprinted without permission. Inquiries concerning advertising should be addresed to the Advertising Manager, New FUN, 49 West 45th Street, New York, N.Y. There is also a coupon on that page addressed: "To New FUN Magazine" asking readers to write in the eight things they like the best in New FUN, and also asking them to write in the name and address of the nearest movie theater.

Cover Details - "Don Nogales, Cattle Rustler: Part 1"

Characters Jack Woods (introduction); Don Nogales (villain; introduction)
Genre detective; western
Pencils Lyman Anderson [signed]
Inks Lyman Anderson [signed]
Notes The cover is a one-page story.

1 page credits "Hello Everybody: Here's the New Magazine You've Been Waiting For"

Script Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson ?
Pencils Dick Loederer (signed)
Inks Dick Loederer
Letters typeset
Notes Table of contents and an introductory essay about the comic, plus the indicia and a coupon soliciting reader feedback.

1 page Sandra of the Secret Service story "The Gavonian Affair: Part 1"

Characters Sandra (introduction); Lothar (introduction)
Genre detective
Script Charles Flanders
Pencils Charles Flanders
Inks Charles Flanders

1 page Jigger and Ginger story

Characters Jigger (introduction); Ginger (introduction)
Genre detective
Pencils Shus
Inks Shus
Notes not Joe Shuster

1 page Barry O'Neill story

Characters Barry O'Neill (introduction)
Genre adventure
Script Lawrence Lariar
Pencils Lawrence Lariar
Inks Lawrence Lariar

1 page Magic Crystal of History story

Characters Bobby (introduction); Binks (introduction)
Genre adventure; period
Script Adolphe Barreaux
Pencils Adolphe Barreaux
Inks Adolphe Barreaux

1 page Wing Brady story

Characters Wing Brady (introduction); Slim (introduction)
Genre adventure
Script Henry Kiefer
Pencils Henry Kiefer
Inks Henry Kiefer

1 page Ivanhoe story "Episode 1"

Characters Wilfred of Ivanhoe (introduction; not named, referred to as "a stranger"); Wamba (introduction); Gurth (introduction); Prior Aymor (introduction); Brian (introduction); Cedric the Saxon (introduction)
Genre period
Script Raymond Perry
Pencils Raymond Perry
Inks Raymond Perry
Notes adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel

1 page Judge Perkins story

Characters Judge Perkins (introduction)
Genre gag
Script Bert Salg
Pencils Bert Salg
Inks Bert Salg

1 page Don Drake story

Characters Don Drake (introduction); Betty (introduction)
Genre sword and sorcery; science fiction
Script Ken Fitch
Pencils Clem Gretter
Inks Clem Gretter

1 page Loco Luke story

Characters Loco Luke (introduction); Black Dan (villain; introduction)
Genre humor
Script Jack A. Warren
Pencils Jack A. Warren
Inks Jack A. Warren

2 page(?) Jack Woods text story "Spook Ranch"

Script Roger Furlong
Letters typeset

1 page Scrub Hardy story

Characters Scrub Hardy (introduction)
Genre humor
Script Joe Archibald
Pencils Joe Archibald
Inks Joe Archibald

1 page Jack Andrews story

Characters Jack Andrews (introduction)
Genre adventure
Script Lyman Anderson
Pencils Lyman Anderson
Inks Lyman Anderson

1 page text story "Bathysphere, A Martian Dream"

Letters typeset
Notes Title and existence of this sequence from Denis Gifford's "The American Comic Book Catalogue: The Evolutionary Era, 1884-1939." It is unclear if it is a fiction piece or a factual piece, or if it was illustrated. However, other text articles seen from this period have at least some illustration.

1 page Sports text article

Script Joe Archibald
Pencils Joe Archibald
Inks Joe Archibald
Letters typeset

1 page On the Radio text article

Pencils ? (photo?)
Letters typeset

1 page In the Movies text article

Pencils ? (photo?)
Letters typeset

1 page Model Aircraft activity

Letters typeset

1 page Aviation text article

Letters typeset

1 page Ship Models activity "How to Build a Model of Hendrik Hudson's Half Moon"

Letters typeset

1 page Cap'n Erik story

Characters Cap'n Erik (introduction)
Script Robert Weinstein
Pencils Robert Weinstein
Inks Robert Weinstein

1 page Buckskin Jim story

Characters Buckskin Jim (introduction); Trapper Pete (introduction)
Genre western
Script Tom Cooper
Pencils Tom Cooper
Inks Tom Cooper

1 page Popular Science text article

Letters typeset

1 page Stamps and Coins text article

Letters typeset

1 page Young Homemaker text article

Letters typeset

1 page After School story

Characters Lefty (introduction); Slimsy (introduction); Lefty's uncle (introduction); Old Man Spinks (introduction)
Script Tom McNamara
Pencils Tom McNamara
Inks Tom McNamara

1 page Caveman Capers story

Characters Ur (introduction); Wur (introduction)
Script Dick Loederer
Pencils Dick Loederer
Inks Dick Loederer

1 page Fun Films activity "1st Episode: Tad among the Pirates"

Characters Tad (introduction)
Script Adolphe Barreaux
Pencils Adolphe Barreaux
Inks Adolphe Barreaux
Notes Strips of square frames of art and text designed to be cut out and viewed through "screen" which is another cutout in a larger panel (description based on the feature as seen in issue #2).

1 page Bubby and Beezil story

Characters Bubby (introduction); Beezil (introduction)
Genre humor
Script Dick Loederer
Pencils Dick Loederer
Inks Dick Loederer

1 page Pelion and Ossa story

Characters Pelion (introduction); Ossa (introduction)
Genre children; funny animal
Script John Lindermayer
Pencils John Lindermayer
Inks John Lindermayer

1 page 2023: Super Police story

Characters Rex (introduction)
Genre science fiction
Script Ken Fitch
Pencils Clem Gretter
Inks Clem Gretter

1 page(?) Oswald the Rabbit story

Characters Oswald the Rabbit (introduction)
Genre funny animal
Script John Lindermayer
Pencils John Lindermayer
Inks John Lindermayer
Notes Single-row Oswald strips ran under (or over) a number of the one-page features in this issue. There were no doubt several other single-row fillers that are unknown (these have been confirmed in issue #2, in which Oswald moved up to a half-page feature). Alter Ego #88 reprints the Ivanhoe page, which includes an Oswald strip, but which other pages included one and how many there were is currently unknown. Oswald, originally a Disney creation and visually the immediate predecessor of Mickey Mouse, was at this point owned by Universal Pictures. According to Bob Rozakis at it was probably the presence of this licensed feature that discouraged DC from reprinting this issue as part of their Millennium Edition reprint series, despite its historic significance.