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Issue Details

Issue #[nn]
Published 1880
Cover Price 0.00 FREE
Pages 168
Editing ?

Cover Details

Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset

17 page story "Ice-Peter"

Synopsis A boy goes ice skating on a pond, falls in and freezes to solid ice. His parents find him, unthaw him, but he melts to nothing but a puddle of water.
Genre humor
Script Wilhelm Busch; Abby Langdon Alger (translator)
Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset
Notes contains 1 additional panel from the printing in "A Bushel of Merry-Thoughts"; Victorian style comic
Reprinted reprinted & translated from "Der Eispeter", 1864

13 page story "Cat and Rat"

Synopsis A cat chasing a mouse, wrecking the house.
Genre humor; funny animal
Script Wilhelm Busch; Abby Langdon Alger (translator)
Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset
Notes contains 1 additional panel from the printing in "A Bushel of Merry-Thoughts"; Victorian style comic
Reprinted reprinted & translated from "Katze und Maus", 1864

13 page story "The Boy and the Pipe"

Synopsis A boy snatches his father's tobacco pipe, smokes it, and enters a hallucinatory trance in which the smoke & household objects take on life.
Genre humor; drugs; tobacco
Script Wilhelm Busch; Abby Langdon Alger (translator)
Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset
Notes Victorian style comic -- short text beneath each picture, no word balloons
Reprinted reprinted & translated from "Krischan mit der Piepe", 1864

25 page story "Hans Huckebein; The Mischievous Raven"

Synopsis A boy catches a raven as a pet & takes it home, where it gets into a fight with other pets, smashes up the house, gets drunk, and accidentally hangs itself.
Genre humor; funny animal
Script Wilhelm Busch; Abby Langdon Alger (translator)
Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset
Notes Victorian style comic -- short text beneath each picture, no word balloons
Reprinted reprinted & translated from "Hans Huckbein", 1871??

8 page story "The Boy and the Pop-Gun"

Synopsis A boy keeps shooting an older man with a blow gun aimed through a fence hole, until the man hits the end of the gun with a pot, jamming it down the boy's throat.
Genre humor
Script Wilhelm Busch; Abby Langdon Alger (translator)
Pencils Wilhelm Busch
Inks Wilhelm Busch
Letters typeset
Notes Victorian style comic -- short text beneath each picture, no word balloons
Reprinted reprinted & translated from ?? (unknown to indexer)