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Issue Details

Issue #16
Published December 1956-February 1957
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Editing Alice Nielson Cobb (managing editor); Chase Craig (story editor); Tom McKimson (art director)

Cover Details - "Dollar bill wreath"

Characters Uncle Scrooge
Genre funny animals
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Reprinted in Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 series) #90 (December 1970); in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984)

1 page Uncle Scrooge story "Fertile Assets"

Characters Uncle Scrooge
Genre funny animals
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Letters Garé Barks
Reprinted in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Carl Barks Library of Uncle Scrooge One Pagers in Color, The (Gladstone, 1992 series) #1 (July 1992)

21 page Uncle Scrooge story "Back to Long Ago!"

Characters Uncle Scrooge; Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey and Louie
Synopsis A hypnotist, behind on his rent, trades Scrooge nine minutes of hypnotism for his arrears. While under the spell, Scrooge learns that he was Matey McDuck of the British navy in an earlier life, and helped to bury a treasure on an island in the Caribbean. He heads for the island, but Donald has been hypnotized, too, and he and nephews have the same destination.
Genre funny animals; adventure
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Letters Garé Barks
Notes Art submitted on April 26, 1956. Synopsis by Michael Barrier from "Carl Barks and the Art of the Comic Book" (M. Lilien, 1982).
Reprinted in Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 series) #103 (February 1973) [8 panels removed]; in Uncle Scrooge Classics [Dynabrite Comics] (Whitman, 1979 series) #11355-1 (December 1979); in Uncle Scrooge (Whitman, 1980 series) #177 (June 1980) [8 panels removed]; in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge (Disney, 1990 series) #279 (June 1993); in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge Adventures in Color (Gladstone, 1996 series) #16 (March 1997); in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge (Gladstone, 1993 series) #310

4 page Gyro Gearloose story "Forecasting Follies"

Characters Gyro Gearloose; Gyro's Helper
Genre funny animals
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Letters Garé Barks
Reprinted in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Gladstone, 1986 series) #523 (October 1987); in Carl Barks Library of Gyro Gearloose Comics and Fillers in Color, The (Gladstone, 1993 series) #1 (January 1993); in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Gladstone, 1993 series) #612 (May 1997)

1 page Mickey Mouse text story "Mixed-up Presents"

Characters Mickey Mouse; Minnie Mouse; Morty and Ferdie
Genre funny animals
Pencils Tony Strobl
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Letters typeset

5 page Uncle Scrooge story "The Colossalest Surprize Quiz Show"

Characters Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey and Louie; Uncle Scrooge McDuck
Genre funny animals
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Letters Garé Barks
Notes Foreign reprint information for this sequence is based on information from the freely available Inducks database:
Reprinted in G Series Comics #76 (W.G. publications Pty. Ltd., 1957) [Australia]; in O Pato Donald (Abril, September 1957) [Brazil]; in Mickey #94 (Abril, August 1960) [Brazil]; in Donald Duck #110 (W.G. publications Pty. Ltd., 1966); in Mickey #354 (Abril, April 1982) [Brazil]; in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge (Gladstone, 1986 series) #221 (September 1987); in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge Adventures in Color (Gladstone, 1996 series) #16 (March 1997); in O Melhor da Disney #8 (Abril, 2004) [Brazil]; in Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge (Gemstone, 2003 series) #359 (November 2006)

1 page Uncle Scrooge story "Backyard Bonanza"

Characters Uncle Scrooge
Genre funny animals
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Letters Garé Barks
Reprinted in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Carl Barks Library of Uncle Scrooge One Pagers in Color, The (Gladstone, 1992 series) #1 (July 1992)

1 page Uncle Scrooge illustration "Happy New Year"

Characters Uncle Scrooge
Genre funny animals
Script Carl Barks
Pencils Carl Barks
Inks Carl Barks
Colors ? (Western Publishing Production Shop)
Notes Back cover. Art submitted on May 24, 1956.
Reprinted in Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow, 1983 series) #3 (December 1984); in Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gladstone, 1988 series) #2 (Winter 1989)