Ultimate X-Men FCBD (2003) 1 CGC 9.6 Qualified
Paper: White
Name Written on Cover in Marker.
Free Comic Book Day Edition
Label #0142288026
Free Comic Book Day Edition 2003. Reprints Ultimate X-Men (2001 1st Series) #1. The Tomorrow People - Written by Mark Millar. Art by Adam Kubert and Art Thibert. Cover by Joe Quesada. The perfect comic book for X-Men movie fans! The day after X2 -- the highly anticipated sequel to the X-Men movie -- opens, new readers can get in on the ground floor of the X-Men's comic book adventures. In this new offering of the always-in-demand Ultimate X-Men (2001 1st Series) #1, moviegoers will be introduced to the comics' version of their favorite film characters -- Wolverine, Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm -- and the team's conflict with their arch-nemesis, Magneto. 32 pages, full color.