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Browse by Cover Subject

This list shows you the number of comic covers in our database that have been tagged with a particular cover subject. Click any topic to see a cover gallery of all issues in that group. This list will always be a work in progress--the list of topics is not exhaustive, and not all covers in our database have been completely tagged.

25 007
37 3-D
237 A-Bomb
1396 Aircraft
3893 Airplane
11005 Alien
330 Alien Landscape
507 Alligator / Crocodile
41 Ambulance
1919 American Indian
70 Amusement Park
64 Anchor
851 Android
376 Angel
212 Animal
72 Ankh
266 Anniversary/Centennial
7146 Anthropomorphic
1076 Ape
403 Apple
25 Appliance
1442 Archer
340 Architectural Statue
7 Armadillo
2886 Arrow
205 Artillery
137 Artist
875 Astronaut
10 Atomic war
4983 Automobile
859 Axe
428 Baby/Babies
260 Badge
19 Bagpipes
448 Balloon
153 Band
632 Bandages
62 Bar
11 Barbwire
1073 Baseball
262 Basketball
1203 Bat
1833 Battle Axe
2038 Battle Hammer
74 Battlemech
180 Battleship
253 Battlesuit
580 Bayonet
214 Bazooka
935 Beach
1342 Bear
1 Beard
388 Beatles
27 Beauty Queen
371 Behind Bars
18 Bell
100 Bible
352 Bicycle
81 Big Ben
913 Big Cat
609 Bikini
7 Binoculars
5604 Bird
108 Birthday
90 Blimp
194 Blindfold
6402 Blood
44 Blunderbuss
1451 Boat
1 Body Painting
489 Bomb
4762 Bondage / Restraint
2612 Book
8 Boomerang
640 Booze
2198 Bow
121 Bowling
5434 Bowtie
464 Boxing
1869 Boy
157 Brain
54 Breaking Chains
426 Bridal Gown
364 Bridge
23 Buddha
54 Buffalo
206 Bull
6 Bulldozer
2843 Bullet
15 Bullfighter
1 Buried Treasure
1 Burning Building
186 Bus
280 Butterfly
216 Cage
109 Camel
607 Camera
319 Cannon
230 Canoe
92 Capital Building
83 Card Playing
14 Carnivorous Plant
8 Carriage
8 Casino
15 Casket
685 Castle
3494 Cat
33 Catgirl
236 Cave
500 Caveman
134 Cavewoman
42 Celebrities
9 Cellphone
67 Centaur
9 Chainmail
399 Chainsaw
72 Chariot
162 Cheerleader
128 Chess
951 Christmas
67 Church
1402 Cigar
2274 Cigarette
174 Circus
350 Classroom
105 Cleaver
9 Cleopatra
573 Clock
144 Clock Tower
596 Clown
300 Coffin
494 Coin
104 Coloring Book
740 Comic Book
11 Comic Convention
913 Comic Strip
271 Computer
173 Construction Equipment
50 Convict
314 Cooking
118 Courtroom
102 Covered Wagon
321 Cow
4792 Cowboy
14 Coyote
385 Crossbow
400 Crosshairs
692 Crown
45 Crucifixion
1227 Crying
285 Crystal Ball
52 Cupid
1387 Currency
1267 Cyborg
166 Cyclops
592 Dance
6 DC Earth In Peril
92 DC Gorillas
127 Deer
1168 Demon
21 Dentist
388 Desert
780 Devil
157 Dice
1927 Dinosaur
26 Dirigible
112 Dismemberment
179 Diving
354 Doctor
6182 Dog
32 Dogs
92 Dolphin
2 Domino
165 Donkey
1655 Dragon
259 Dream
93 Drugs
116 Dwarf
237 Dynamite
157 Eagle
15 Earring
761 Earth
34 Easter
202 Egypt
105 Eiffel Tower
42 Eight-Ball
69 Electric Chair
661 Elephant
12 Elevator
500 Elf
50 Elvis
650 Embrace
16 Empire State Building
34 Empty Costume
8 Exotic Dancer
52 Exploding Planet
343 Eyeball
1074 Eyepatch
367 Fairy
80 Farm
11 Father Time
366 Fedora
103 Ferris Wheel
52 Fez
60 Fire Hydrant
188 Firefighter
72 Firetruck
96 Fireworks
22 Firing Squad
1303 Fish
676 Fishing
2363 Flag
134 Flail
161 Flamethrower
485 Flashlight
7 Floating head
15 Flood
1936 Flower
31 Flying Boat
77 Flying Car
68 Flying Carpet
160 Flying Saucer
54 Flying Ship
597 Football
91 Fortune Teller
233 Fox
642 Frankenstein's Monster
487 Frog
22 Funeral
15 Funhouse Mirror
2 Fur Coat
131 Gambling
29 Garterbelt
275 Gas Mask
48 Gas Pump
431 Gemstone
165 Genie
2140 Ghost
20 Ghouls
998 Giant
196 Giant Ape
130 Giant Bird
262 Giant Insect
16 Giant Reptile
13 Giant Scorpion
183 Giant Snake
120 Giant Spider
4312 Girl
35 Gladiator
13748 Glasses / Dark Glasses
22 Gnome
163 Goat
106 Goblin
922 Goggles
99 Golem
242 Golf
13 Gondola
700 Good girl
515 Gorilla
10 Grass Skirt
295 Grave
1156 Gravestone
980 Graveyard
5 Greece
6 Gremlin
688 Grenade
12 Grey Alien
270 Grim Reaper
27 Gryphon
38 Guillotine
1115 Guitar
3 Gyrocopter
5 Halftrack
205 Halloween
127 Halo
185 Hammer & Sickle
1991 Hand Tool
166 Handcuffs
23851 Handgun
84 Harpoon
48 Hatchet
46 Headless Horseman
1447 Heart
873 Helicopter
63 Hell
2 Hillbilly
31 Hippie
86 Hippopotamus
32 Historical
4 History
169 Hitler
113 Hockey
73 Hollywood
2214 Homage / Reference
4797 Horse
7 Horse Racing
116 Hospital
89 Hot Air Baloon
121 Hourglass
1 Hydra
13 Hypnotism
203 Hypodermic
49 I Have the Power!
335 Ice Skating
5 Iceberg
12 Igloo
7 Illusion
90 Imperial Japan
336 In the Jaws of Death
8 In the Round/Surrounded
34 Infinity
46 Infinity Cover
920 Insect
499 Jack-O-Lantern
8 James Bond
380 Jeep
70 Jester
101 Jesus
358 Jet Pack
3 Jet Ski
40 Jigsaw Puzzle
2 Joust
36 Juggler
39 Jukebox
1422 Jungle
1241 Jungle Man
820 Jungle Woman
78 Kaiju
92 Kangaroo
1 Kayak
211 Key
22 Killer Whale
7 Kilt
10 Kimono
189 King
1839 Kiss
128 Kite
6238 Knife
1216 Knight
52 Korean War
497 Lab Equipment
9 Lamia
170 Lance
497 Lasso
1 Leaning Tower of Pisa
61 Leprechaun
15 Liberty Bell
128 Lifeguard
84 Lighthouse
2032 Lightning
2 Lightsaber
3 Limousine
52 Lingerie
788 Lion
260 Lipstick Kiss
89 Lizard
6299 Long Gun
192 Longbow
17 Lumberjack
555 Mace
223 Machete
6924 Machine Gun
1009 Magic User
342 Magician
32 Magnet
279 Magnifying Glass
15 Mailbox
67 Mammoth
169 Man
242 Map
10 Maze
41 Mecha
6 Medieval
260 Mermaid
21 Merman
69 Merry-Go-Round
9 Mesoamerica
695 Miniaturized Person / People
80 Minotaur
304 Missile
7 Molotov Cocktail
22 Mona Lisa
328 Money Bag
572 Monkey
239 Monocle
12105 Monster
2 Montage
2476 Moon
22 Moth
114 Motor Scooter
1721 Motorcycle
112 Mountie
2204 Mouse
1 Movie Adaptation
305 Movie Camera
36 Mugshot
10 Mummies
397 Mummy
62 Museum
1608 Musical Instrument
46 Musician
22 Mussolini
46 Mythological
826 Nazi
2 Nesting Doll
91 New Year
823 Newspaper
963 Ninja
271 Noose
8 Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving Dinner Cover
1 NRA Stamp
264 Numeral
128 Nun
416 Nunchuks
363 Nurse
196 Octopus
42 Ogre
19 Oil Well
11 Olympics
37 Orc
2 Oz
15 P.T. Boat
6 Paint Book
366 Painter
127 Painting Mishap
208 Parachute
541 Parachute/Paratrooper
42 Parade
403 Parody
8 Patriotic/flag
41 Pegacorn
171 Pegasus
123 Penguin
270 Pentagram
14 Phone Booth
2 Photo Booth
802 Photograph
74 Pick
116 Pickaxe
259 Picnic
458 Pieta Cover
1168 Pig
91 Pike
1209 Pipe (Smoking)
7 Pipe Smoker
500 Pirate
388 Pitchfork
104 Pith Helmet
74 Pizza
388 Platter Lift
523 Playing Card
52 Pogo Stick
35 Poker Chip
318 Police Car
1977 Police Officer
42 Politics
2 Polo
38 Pool Table
11 Pop Art
12 Pope
42 Portfolio
188 Poster
7 POW Camp
164 Prehistoric Cat
187 Priest
12 Prince
61 Princess
191 Prison
205 Prosthetics
1 Punch-Out Book
3 Punching Bag
341 Puppet
164 Pyramid
67 Queen
34 Quicksand
1720 Rabbit
521 Race Car
207 Raft
905 Rain
86 Rainbow
384 Rat
2499 Raygun
258 Record
6 Religion
110 Rhinoceros
278 Rifle
17 Ring
20 Road Sign
7578 Robot
295 Rock Band
417 Rocket
94 Rocket Launcher
205 Roller Coaster
271 Roller Skating
84 Roman
635 Rose
2 Rube Goldberg Machine
11 Ruins
610 Sai
169 Sailboat
471 Sailor
30 Saloon
477 Samurai
62 Sand Sculpture
579 Santa Claus
70 Sarcophagus
16 Satan
17 Satyr
37 Scales of Justice
208 Scarecrow
294 Scientist
39 Scorpion
450 Scuba Diver
291 Scythe
474 Sea Creature
17 Sea Serpent
17 Seance
113 Semi-trailer Truck
30 Sentinels
728 Severed Head
175 Sewer
506 Shark
85 Sheep
191 Sheet Music
1552 Ship
81 Shopping
1021 Shotgun
181 Shuriken
30 Signed
259 Singer
275 Skateboard
1823 Skeleton
13 Ski Jumping
4344 Skull
330 Skull and Crossbones
105 Skunk
28 Skyboard
39 Skyscraper
890 Snake
39 Snow Boarding
421 Snow Skiing
964 Snowing
233 Snowman
40 Snowmobile
42 Soccer
302 Soda Shop
8530 Soldier
2 Sombrero
183 Space Shuttle
1237 Spacecraft
471 Spaceman / Spacemen
2255 Spaceships
95 Spacestation
79 Spacewoman
18 Spanking
3203 Spear
74 Speargun
283 Spider
747 Spotlight
30 Squid
11 Squirrel
1637 Staff
339 Stage
203 Stagecoach
176 Stained Glass
6 Star and Crescent
16 Star of David
1304 Statue
14 Statue of Justice
302 Statue of Liberty
135 Still Camera
1 Stonehenge
118 Straight Jacket
1060 Strange machines
37 Street Sign
398 Submarine
558 Surfing
6 Suspended Animation
230 Swamp
1121 Swastika
271 Swimming Pool
1785 Swimsuit
17461 Sword
2 Tabloid
1607 Tank
224 Target
63 Tarot
1751 Tattoo
100 Teepee
903 Telephone
91 Telephone Booth
137 Telescope
745 Television
206 Tennis
219 Tent
1478 Tentacle
27 Thanksgiving
424 Theater
55 Third Eye
78 This is a Job for Superman
544 Tiger
65 Time Machine
40 Time Travel
30 Tojo
308 Tomahawk
18 Tooth
1420 Top Hat
485 Torch
59 Tornado
65 Torpedo
70 Torture
66 Totem Pole
2127 Toys
84 Track and Field
29 Tractor
815 Train
325 Transformation
342 Treasure Chest
2 Trial
813 Tribesman
475 Trident
264 Truck
305 Truncheon
1537 Turtle
319 Twins
173 Typewriter
470 UFO
798 Umbrella
145 Uncle Sam
173 Unicorn
31 Unicycle
69 Unmasked
37 US Capital
344 US President
114 Valentine
2053 Vampire
101 Video Game
168 Viking
3 Vivisection
238 Volcano
59 Voodoo
159 Wagon
22 Walkie-Talkie
7 Wand
340 Wanted Poster
42 War Bond
5 War Loan
191 War Machine
25 War Stamp
30 Washington Monument
346 Watch
75 Water Skiing
17 Watercraft
121 Waterfall
288 Wedding
105 Weight Lifting
119 Weird creatures
8 Werecat
830 Werewolf
160 Whale
267 Wheelchair
647 Whip
50 White House
37 Windmill
2370 Winged Person
2 Winged Serpent
9 Wishing Well
860 Witch
66 Witchdoctor
547 Wizard
737 Wolf
408 Woman
153 Wooden Stake
179 Wrestling
9 WW1
23 Xenomorph
161 Yeti / Bigfoot
56 Yin-Yang
53 Yo-Yo
34 Zeppelin
2 Zodiac
1568 Zombie