Comic books in 'Flash'
Issue #240MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.30.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.30.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.30.
Issue #245MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.30.
Issue #246MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.30.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Frank Springer. Challenge of the Cardboard Criminal!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; A villain that a boy draws springs to life and battles Flash. A full-page message for fans by newly appointed DC publisher Jenette Kahn. Batman Hostess Fruit Pies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Worlds Finest and G.I. Combat Dollar Comics ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. DC merchandise ad, including The Encyclopedia of super-heroes. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.
Tags: Flash$6.60
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Flash battles Master Villain, a bad guy who sprang from the mind (and pencil) of an artistic boy in the previous issue. Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Rich Buckler cover pencils, Jack Abel cover inks. Cover price $0.30.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.35.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. "Double Dose of Danger!" Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Mini-bios of Edmond Hamilton, Bob Brown, and John Rosenberger. Rich Buckler cover pencils, Jack Abel cover inks. Cover price $0.35.
Tags: Flash$2.50
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Flash's gallery of rogues mess with his head and present him with an award in "To Believe or Not to Believe." Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Includes an article on cancelled titles by publisher Jenette Kahn and a profile of Joe Rubinstein. Cover by Dick Dillin and Joe Rubinstein. Cover price $0.35.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Flashback to Danger, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Flash must handle Mazdans hypnosis while trying to apprehend the Mirror Master. Wonder Woman Hostess Twinkies ad. Superman Spectacular ad. Super-heroes school supplies issue. 36 pgs. $0.35. Cover price $0.35.
Tags: Flash$7.10
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Flash battles someone masquerading as the late Top in "Prisoner of the Past." Includes article about mystery stories by publisher Janette Kahn and a profile of Al Milgrom. Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Rich Buckler cover pencils, Jack Abel cover inks. Cover price $0.35.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.35.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.35.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. It is believed these variants were distributed only in regions near U.S. military bases. Origin of Flash's Uniform. Flash escapes a cold trap and a neighbor discovers that Barry is a comic book collector in "Heat Wave's Blaze of Glory!" Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Also includes backup story "Origin of The Flash's Uniform!" Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte. Cover by Rich Buckler and Dick Giordano. Cover price $0.50.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. IBarry "Flash" Allen attends a comic book convention in "Riddle of the Runaway Comic." Wildcat and the Golden Age Green Lantern guest star. Script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Cover by Al Milgrom and Dick Giordano. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. Mishmash!!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Barry escapes from a trap set by the Reverse Flash and then goes to the future to find information on Iris's death, while the Reverse Flash hauls Chief Paulson into a police station for arrest and picks a fight with Green Lantern. Hostess Cup Cakes with Hawkman, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Corgi Superman vehicles ad. Star Trek The Motion Picture ad. Time Warp ad. Star Wars Kenner collection toy ad. Mego elastic Superman and Batman figures ad. 1941 movie ad. Jonah Hex and Rudolph digest ad. Hembeck strip. 36 pgs. $0.40 Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. I Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. Run Flash... Run for Your Life, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Flash hurtles through time and space following last issue's battle with Reverse-Flash; he also fights the Rogues Gallery. Corgi super-hero vehicles ad. Years Best Comics Stories digest ad. Detective Comics Dollar Comic ad. Justice League of America subscription ad. Hembeck strip. 32 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Don Heck, inks by Dick Giordano. If At First You Don't Succeed..., script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Barry moves into Utopia Towers, an apartment complex for singles; Flash battles Trickster; first appearance of future Flash flame Fiona Webb. Wonder Woman Hostess Twinkies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Years Best Comics Stories digest ad. Untold Legend of the Batman ad. Jonah Hex and Weird Western Tales Starring Scalphunter ad. Legion of Super-Heroes ad. Justice League of America subscription ad. DC crossword puzzle. Spot-bilt shoe ad on back cover with O.J. Simpson. 36 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Don Heck, inks by Dick Giordano. Dr. Alchemy and Mr. Desmond, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Flash battles Dr. Alchemy and runs into future flame Fiona Webb. Dingo Kids inside front cover ad with O.J. Simpson. Ad for the "all-new" Wonder Woman. Spot-bilt shoe ad on with O.J. Simpson. Superman/Spider-Man team-up ad. The Black Hole MPC model kits ad. Superman Club ad. DC stamps ad. Hembeck strip. Spalding basketball back cover ad with Julius Dr. J Erving and Rick Barry, art by Jack Davis. 36 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Last 40-cent issue. Cover pencils by Don Heck, inks by Dick Giordano. The Day It Rained Flash, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; The new Dr. Alchemy (with proverbial origin story) turns Flash into a cloud. Superman club ad. Hostess Twinkies ad with Green Lantern. The New Teen Titans ad. The Black Hole MPC model kits ad. 8 more pages DC ad featuring Firestorm joining The Flash. Mystery in Space and G.I. Combat ad. Superman/Spider-Man team-up ad. Hembeck ad. 36 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Don Heck, inks by Dick Giordano. Will You Believe Me When I'm Dead?, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Don Heck, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Fiona Webb tells Flash that Barry Allen is trying to kill her. The Secret History of the Nuclear Man, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by George Perez (breakdowns) and Bob Smith (finished art), inks by Bob Smith; Ronnie Raymond tells Professor Stein the entire truth behind Firestorm. Hostess Fruit Pies ad with Hawkman. Grit ad with Richie Rich. 36 pgs. $0.50. Cover price $0.50.
Tags: Flash$7.49
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. The Sabretooth is a Very Deadly Beast!, script by Cary Bates, art by Don Heck; Assassin Sabre-Tooth is on the prowl while Fiona Webb believes Barry Allen is trying to kill her. The Hyena Laughs Last!, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by George Perez (breakdowns) and Bob Smith (finished art), inks by Bob Smith; Professor Stein battles alcoholism, gets a new job, and continues getting used to his (and Ronnie Raymond's) Firestorm persona. Hostess Twinkies ad with Batman and the League of Assassins. CBS Saturday ad. Grit ad with Richie Rich. 36 pgs. $0.50. Cover price $0.50.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Don Heck, inks by Dick Giordano. Fiend the World Forgot, script by Cary Bates, art by Don Heck; Flash rushes off to Gorilla City to assist Solovar. The Typhoon Is a Storm of the Soul, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Jim Starlin, inks by Bob Wiacek; Firestorm stops a subway mugging, and Professor Stein goes on a cruise. Hostess Fruit Pies ad with Aquaman. PEZ candy ad. 36 pgs. $0.50. Cover price $0.50.
Tags: Flash$6.00
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Dick Giordano. A Deadly Shade of Peril, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Bob Smith; The world turns to black-and-white; the introduction and origin of the new Shade. The Multiplex Complex, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Denys Cowan, inks by Bob Wiacek; Ronnie Raymond's mind goes into Professor Stein's body (instead of vice versa) when Firestorm appears on the scene; Firestorm battles Multiplex. Superman Club ad. Letter from Barbara Randall. Back cover Donruss baseball card ad with Mike Schmidt and George Brett. 36 pgs. $0.50. Cover price $0.50.
Issue #300MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $1.00.
Tags: Flash$8.00
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Last 50-cent issue. Cover pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Bob Smith. And the Beat Goes Off, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Bob Smith; Barry Allen is fired by Captain Frye, who becomes a kidnapped victim to be rescued by The Flash; Barry's mom comes out of her coma. How Laughs the Hyena, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Denys Cowan, inks by Bob Smith; Firestorm gets a clue of the true identity of the Hyena. Superman II ad. Icee Bear Club back cover ad. 36 pgs. $0.50. Cover price $0.50.
View scans- Paper: White
- "Mark Jewelers" insert. Newsstand Edition.
- Label #4524142024
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
View scans- Paper: White
- "Mark Jewelers" insert. Newsstand Edition.
- Label #4524142025
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Issue #306MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Tags: Flash
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Dick Giordano. Prey for the Piper, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Bob Smith; Pied Piper is charging his Sonic Boomatron to battle the Flash; he turns Flash into living sound; Marcy Dunphy has discovered that the Pied Piper is not Henry Darrow but actually Hartley Rathaway, the son of the ultra-rich Hazel and Osgood Rathaway. Batman Hostess Twinkies ad, pencils by Curt Swan. Twilight of the 5th Sun, script by Martin Pasko, pencils by Keith Giffen, inks by Larry Mahlstedt; Malferrazae transports Dr. Fate and his wife, Inza Nelson, to Mexico City and then banishes Dr. Fate to battle his undead soldiers; An ancient Aztec lord of chaos called Totec holds Inza captive. Captain Carrot ad. 36 pgs. $0.60. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Dick Giordano. How Do You Kill A Legend?, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Dennis Jensen; A being named Kryad from the 98th century (where super-heroes are only a myth) journeys to the present to steal Flash's super speed; Flash ends up taking him to observe the moment of his origin. Tomorrow Forever, script by Martin Pasko, pencils by Keith Giffen, inks by Larry Mahlstedt; Kent Nelson, barely remembering having been possessed by Dr. Fate, finds himself on Hollywood Boulevard in the midst of his mummified wife and earthquake ruins. Swamp Thing movie inside front cover ad. Saga of the Swamp Thing ad. Firestorm ad. Lone Ranger Western Town back cover ad. 36 pgs. $0.60. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Jim Aparo. Captives of the Boom-Boom Boomerang, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Frank Giacoia; Flash battles Colonel Computron and Captain Boomerang. Rogue Gods, script by Steve Gerber and Martin Pasko, pencils by Keith Giffen, inks by Larry Mahlstedt; Dr. Fate is trapped in a nightmarish, hallucinatory dimension. Ad from Moondance Comics. 36 pgs. $0.60. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Issue #313MJ
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.
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Mark Jewelers Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.60.