Cover pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Joe Giella. You Get What You Vote For! public service announcement starring Buzzy, script by Jack Schiff, art by Win Mortimer. Star Sapphire Unmasks Green Lantern!, script by Gardner Fox, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Joe Giella; Carol Ferris becomes Star Sapphire again and engages Hal Jordan in a contest to prove who is superior. Hal Jordan loses and is unmasked by Star Sapphire, but accidently causes her to change back to Carol Ferris and forget the entire adventure. World Within the Power Ring!, script by Gardner Fox, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Joe Giella; Imprisoned inside the Green Lantern ring by Abin Sur, Myrwhydden has regained his magical powers after Abin Sur's death and Hal Jordan enters the ring to defeat him and leave him re-imprisoned within the ring. Meteorites! fact half-page by Julius Schwartz. 36 pgs. $0.12.
Cover price $0.12.