- 1 1/4" cumulative spine split.
25¢ Cover price. Cover art by Norman Mingo. Statement of ownership; Total paid circulation 1,669,886. "A Child's View of Newspaper Headlines," script and art by Al Jaffee; Examples of how a child might take headline jargon literally. "The Official Barber," script and art by by Don Martin; A man has the job of upkeep on the Mount Rushmore monument. "Mad Looks at a Typical Kiddie TV Show," script by Larry Siegel, art by Mort Drucker; A kid's show host tries to cope with an audience of cynical children. "Spy Vs. Spy," script and art by Antonio Prohias. "The Lighter Side of Teenage Parties," script and art by Dave Berg. "Space Magazines," script by Arnie Kogen, art by Joe Orlando. "Spy Vs. Spy," script and art by Antonio Prohias. Cartoons in the margins by Sergio Aragones. "A Mad Look at Signs of the Times," script by Al Jaffee, Don Reilly, and Dick DeBartolo, art by Bob Clarke; Road and advertising signs altered to appeal to modern problems and sensibilities. "Another (whew) Visit to the Doctor's Office," script and art by Don Martin; A man can fire darts from his mouth by pressing the top of his head like a plunger. "When They Advertise Liquor on TV," script by Frank Jacobs, art by Jack Rickard. "Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy," script and art by Antonio Prohias. "The Flying Ace," script by Dick DeBartolo, art by Mort Drucker; Ringo Starr stars as a World War II fighter pilot trying to land his damaged plane safely at his base near enemy lines. "What Brilliant New Ideas Has the Current TV Season Produced" Mad Fold-In, script and art by Al Jaffee. 52 pgs., B&W.
Cover price $0.25.