- 3" cumulative spine split.
Cover by Lou Morales. Stories and art by Dick Giordano, Frank Frollo, Vince Alascia, Lou Morales, Carl Memling, and Stan Campbell. Pre-Code crime comics from Charlton, sometimes published under its short-lived Capitol or Law and Order imprints. Nick and Nora-like Mr. and Mrs. Chase take a cruise on a vintage Brigantine ship and soon find themselves battling modern-day pirates (including a guy with a hook for a hand). After the owner of a circus is murdered, detectives must figure out if the killer was the strong man, the ringmaster, or the equestrienne. Mortal enemies decide to work together to escape from prison, but each is secretly planning to betray the other. Mr. and Mrs. Chase: Peril on the Pacific; The Leopard's Claw; The Cobra Kills; The Hatchet Is Buried; Radio Patrol: Murder in the Streets. 32 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.