Subscriber only (rare), will always have mailing label. Label not considered a defect.
Biography and history stories in comics form, part of a trend in non-fiction comics in the 1940s. During WWII, a damaged DC-3 flies to safety with a hastily attached replacement wing from a DC-2. The life of frontiersman Kit Carson. The history of rocket science includes speculation about the first moon flight, 20 years before it actually happened, including the problems of living in zero gravity. Doak Walker: Triple-Threat; The Story of the Lopsided Plane; A Trip to the Moon; Kit Carson: Monarch of the Plains; Dan Green: Cannonball Express; Truly Comic! 32 pages, Full Color. NOTE: #80-84 are all newsprint editions that were distributed by mail only to subscribers (no newsstand distribution).
Cover price $0.10.