Cover art by Bob White. "War Is Swell," script by Frank Doyle, pencils by Dan DeCarlo, inks by Rudy Lapick; Mr. Lodge accuses the kids of being soft and lazy, and gets them to shape up by playing touch football, just like President Kennedy does on the White House lawn. "No Escape," pencils by Bill Vigoda, inks by Terry Szenics; Reggie dreams Moose catches him hitting on Midge, and chases him to his house. "The Face of Fear" starring Fly Girl, script by Robert Bernstein, art by John Giunta. "Physical Fit-Mess," script and art by Joe Edwards; Li'l Jinx's dad tells her she should exercise, because it's "almost our patriotic duty!" "Just Imagine," script by Frank Doyle, art by Bob White; Archie discovers that he can make anything happen simply by imagining it, and his power soon gets out of control. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.12.