Comic books in 'Anthology / Collection'
Published Sep 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.20
September 24, 2003. All color except for Future Shocks and Leviathan. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meet the Flooks" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by P.J. Holden), Future Shocks: "The Burning Deck" (script by Jaspre Bark, art by Rufus Dayglo), Sinister Dexter in "Junk Bond" part 4 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Simon Davis), From Grace part 3 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Frazer Irving), and Leviathan part 9 (script by Ian Edginton, art by D'Israeli). Davis cover.
Published Oct 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.50
October 1, 2003. All color except for Leviathan. Features include Judge Dredd in "See Zammy Run" part 1 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Inaki Miranda), Sinister Dexter in "Junk Bond" part 5 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Simon Davis), Leviathan part 10 (script by Ian Edginton, art by D'Israeli), and From Grace part 4 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Frazer Irving). D'Israeli cover.
Published Oct 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.49
October 8, 2003. All color except for Past Imperfect. Features include Judge Dredd in "See Zammy Run" part 2 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Inaki Miranda), Past Imperfect: "The Great War" (script by Gary Wilkinson, art by Leigh Gallagher), Sinister Dexter in "Junk Bond" part 6 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Simon Davis), and From Grace part 5 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Frazer Irving). Davis cover.
Published Oct 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
October 15, 2003. All color. Features include Judge Dredd in "The In Club" (script by John Wagner, art by Dean Ormston), Dead Men Walking part 1 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 1 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 1 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Cover by Andy Clarke and Chris Blythe.
Published Oct 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
October 22, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Inside Job" part 1 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Pugh), Dead Men Walking part 2 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 1--Chapter" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 2 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 2 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Clint Langley cover.
Published Oct 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
October 29, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include JudgeDredd in "Inside Job" part 2 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Pugh), Dead Men Walking part 3 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 2--Verse" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Macha" part 3 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 3 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Ian Gibson cover.
Published Nov 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
November 5, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 1 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Dead Men Walking part 4 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 3--Ness" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 4 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 4 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Cook cover.
Published Nov 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
November 12, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 2 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Deam Men Walking part 5 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 4--Jonathan & Jennifer" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 5 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 5 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Richard Elson.
Published Nov 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.70
November 19, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 3 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Dead Men Walking part 6 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 5--Ravne" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 6 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 6 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Harrison cover.
Published Nov 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.50
November 26, 2003. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 4 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Dead Men Walking part 7 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook), Caballistics, Inc. in "Downtime 6--Kostabi" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 7 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 1 part 7 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Cook cover.
Published Dec 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.50
December 3, 2003. All color except for Future Shocks. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 5 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Tales of Telguuth in "Holding the Fort" (script by Steve Moore, art by Jon Haward and John Stokes), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 8 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), Future Shocks: "Tadfraggers" (script by SimonSpurrier, pencils by Gary Crutchley, inks by Cliff Robinson), and Dead Men Walking part 8 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook). Henry Flint cover.
Published Dec 2003 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
December 10, 2003. All color except for Future Shocks. Features include Judge Dredd in "Meatmonger" part 6 (script by John Smith, art by Bayo Siku), Tales of Telguuth: "The Eternal Life of Emperor Ygg" (script by Steve Moore, art by Dave Kendall), Synnamon in "Facing Mecha" part 9 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Lawrence Campbell and Lee Townsend), Future Shocks: "Autocrats Anonymous" (script by Jaspre Bark, art by P.J. Holden), and Dead Men Walking part 9 (script by James Stevens, art by Boo Cook). Cover by Dampbell and Chris Blythe. Between issues 1370 and 1371 is a 100-page special, Prog 2004.
Published Jan 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
January 7, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dreddin "Cincinnati" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Carl Critchlow), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 2 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), the V.C.s part 2, "Hit the Ground Vaping" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams), Slaine in "Scota" part 2 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), and Robo-Hunter in "Like a Virgin" part 2 (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson). Greg Staples cover.
Published Jan 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
January 14, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Cincinnati" part 2 (script by John Wagner, art by Carl Critchlow), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 3 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), the V.C.s part 3, "Absent Friend" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams), Slaine in "Scota" part 3 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), and Robo-Hunter in "Like a Vigin" part 3 (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson). Langley wraparound cover.
Published Jan 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
January 21, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Cincinnati" part 3 (script by John Wagner, art by Carl Critchlow), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 4 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), the V.C.s part 4, "Hide & Seek" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams), Slaine in "Scota" part 4 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), and Robo-Hunter in "Like a Virgin" part 4 (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson). Yeowell cover.
Published Jan 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
January 29, 2004. All color except for Terror Tales and the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "S.A.M." (script by John Wagner, art by Val Semeiks and Cliff Robinson), Terror Tales in "Frozen Stiffs" (script by Steve Moore, art by Phil Winslade), Slaine in "Scota" part 5 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), the V.C.s part 5, "Home" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams), and the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 5 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell). Ian Gibson cover.
Published Feb 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
February 4, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Master of Fear" part 1 (script by Alan Grant, art by John Burns), th eRed Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 6 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), Slaine in "Scota" part 6 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), Terror Tales: "Krypt" (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), and the V.C.s part 6, "Needs Must" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams). Langley cover.
Published Feb 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
February 11, 2004. All color except for Past Imperfect and the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Master of Fear" part 2 (script by Alan Grant, art by John Burns), Past Imperfect: "Cosmonaut X" (script by Arthur Wyatt, pencils by Laurence Campbell, art by Kris Justice), Slaine in "Scota" part 7 (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 7 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), and the V.C.s part 7 "Brothers in Arms" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams). Cover by Cliff Robinson and Len O'Grady.
Published Feb 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
February 18, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Master of Fear" part 3 (script by Alan Grant, art by John Burns), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 8 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), Valkyries part 1 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), and the V.C.s part 8, "Last Chances" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams). One-page Tharg's Alien Invasions, "Mind Simulator Earth Edition" (script and art by Henry Flint). Frazer Irving cover.
Published Feb 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
February 25, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Brothers of the Blood" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra), Valkyries part 2 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 9 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), and the V.C.s part 9, "Iced" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams). Mark Harrison cover.
Published Mar 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
March 3, 2004. All color except for the Red Seas. Features include Judge Dredd in "Brothers of the Blood" part 2 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra), the Red Seas in "Twilight of the Idols" part 10 (script by Ian Edginton, art by Steve Yeowell), Valkyries part 3 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), and the V.C.s part 10, "Just For One Day" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams). Cover by Yeowell and Chris Blythe.
Published Mar 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
March 10, 2004. All color except for Future Shocks and Rogue Trooper. Features include Judge Dredd in "Brothers of the Blood" part 3 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra), Future Shocks: "War For Sale, One Previous Owner" (script by Richard McTighe, art by Simon Coleby), Sinister Dexter in "Just Business" part 1 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Valkyries part 4 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), and Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 1 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by P.J. Holden). Ezquerra cover.
Published Mar 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
March 17, 2004. All color except for Future Shocks and Rogue Trooper. Features include Judge Dredd in "Brothers of the Blood" part 4 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra), Future Shocks: "Lucky for Some" (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Alan Burrows), Sinister Dexter in "Just Business" part 2 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Valkyries part 5 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), and Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 2 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by P.J. Holden). Cover by Clarke and Chris Blythe.
Published Mar 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
March 24, 2004. All color except for Rogue Trooper. Features include Judge Dredd in "Gulag" part 1 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Charlie Adlard), Sinister Dexter in "Just Business" part 3 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 3 (script by Rennie, art by P.J. Holden), Valkyries part 6 (script by Steve Moore, art by John Lucas), and Durham Red in "The Empty suns" book 2 part 1 (script by Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Photo cover by Malcolm Hulme and Graham Rolfe.
Published Mar 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.50
March 31, 2004. All color except for Rogue Trooper. Features include Judgfe Dredd in "Gulag" part 2 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Charlie Adlard), Sinister Dexter in "Job Jobbed" part 1 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 4 (script by Rennie, art by P.J. Holden), Bec & Kawl in "Toothache" part 1 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 2 part 2 (script by Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Chris Weston cover.
Published Apr 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.
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April 7, 2004. All color except for Rogue Trooper. Features include Judge Dredd in "Gulag" part 3 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Charlie Adlard), Sinister Dexter in "Job Jobbed" part 2 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Bec & Kawl in "Toothache" part 2 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 5 (script by Rennie, art by P.J. Holden), Durham Red in "the Empty Suns" book 2 part 3 (script by Abnett, art by Mark Harrison), an dShaun of the Dead in "There's Something About Mary" (script by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, art by Frazer Irving) based on the feature film. Irving cover.
Published Apr 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
April 14, 2004. All color except for Rogue Trooper. Features include Judge Dredd in "Gulag" part 4 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Charlie Adlard), Sinister Dexter in "Job Jobbed" part 3 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Andy Clarke), Rogue Trooper in "Realpolitik" part 6 (script by Rennie, art by P.J. Holden), Bec & Kawl at "Toothache" part 3 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 2 part 4 (script by Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Cover by Adlard and Chris Blythe.
Published Apr 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
April 21, 2004. All color except for Terror Tales. Features include Judge Dredd in "Gulag" part 5 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Charlie Adlard), Bec & Kawl in "Toothache" part 4 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), Terror Tales: "Keeping It Real" (script by Al Ewing, art by Cam Smith), and Durham Red in "The Empty Suns" book 2 part 5 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Mark Harrison). Bec & Kawl pin-up by Steve Roberts and Simon Davis. Harrison cover.
Published Apr 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
April 28, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Finger of Suspicion" (script by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 1 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 1 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 1 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 1 (script by Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Cover by Dave Gibbons and Len O'Grady.
Published May 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
May 5, 2004. All color except for Savage aznd Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Love Hurts" (script by Alan Grant, art by David Roach), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 2 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 2 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 2 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 2 (script by John Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Colin Macneil cover.
Published May 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
May 12, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Last Respects" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by John McCrea), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 3 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 3 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 3 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 3 (script by John Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Elson cover.
Published May 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
May 19, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Tempus Fugitive" (script by Ian Edginton, art by D'Israeli), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 4 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 4 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 4 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 4 (script by John Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Flint cover.
Published May 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
May 26, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "At Home With the Snozzburns" (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 5 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 5 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 5 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint)and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 5 (script by John Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague).
Published Jun 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$2.50
June 2, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 6 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 6 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 6 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 6 (script by Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Cover by Teague and Chris Blythe.
Published Jun 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
June 9, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 2 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 7 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 7 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 7 (script by Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Cover by Andy Clarke and Chris Blythe.
Published Jun 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
June 16, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 3 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 8 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), A.H.A.B. part 8 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), Low Life in "Paranoia" part 8 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint), and Chopper in "The Big Meg" part 8 (script by Wagner, art by Patrick Goddard and Dylan Teague). Flint cover.
Published Jun 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
June 23, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 4 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 9 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), Tyranny Red Redux in "The Comeback" part 1 (script by John Smith, art by Steve Yeowell), A.H.A.B. part 9 (script by Nigel Kitching, art by Richard Elson), and Low Life in "Paranoid" part 9 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint). Cover by Yeowell and Chris Blythe.
Published Jun 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
June 30, 2004. All color except for Savage and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 5 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Savage in "Taking Liberties" book 1 part 10 (script by Pat Mills, art by Charlie Adlard), Tyranny Rex Redux in "The Comeback" part 2 (script by John Smith, art by Steve Yeowell), Future Shocks: "The Mainstream" part 1 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Andy Clarke), and Low Life in "Paranoia" part 10 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint). Adlard cover.
Published Jul 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.80
July 7, 2004. All color except for Sinister Dexter and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 6 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Sinister Dexter in "Scare Tactics" part 1 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Cam Smith), Tyranny Rex Redux in "The Comeback" part 3 (script by John Smith, art by Steve Yeowell), Future Shocks: "The Mainstream" part 2 (script by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows, art by Andy Clarke), and Low Life in "Heavy Duty" part 1 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint). Jock cover.
Published Jul 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
July 14, 2004. All color except for Sinister Dexter and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 7 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Sinister Dexter in "Scare Tactics" part 2 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Cam Smith), Tyranny Rex Redux in "The Comeback" part 4 (script by John Smith, art by Steve Yeowell), Future Shocks: "Red Moon" (script by Andy Diggle, art by Kev Walker), and Low Life in "Heavy Duty" part 2 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint). Clint Langley cover.
Published Jul 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
July 21, 2004. All color except for Sinister Dexter and Low Life. Features include Judge Dredd in "Terror" part 8 (script by John Wagner, art by Colin MacNeil), Sinister Dexter in "Scare Tactics" part 3 (script by Dan Abnett, art by Cam Smith), Tyranny Rex Redux in "The Comeback" part 5 (script by John Smith, art by Steve Yeowell), Terror Tales: "Sorrow Hill" (script by Al Ewing, art by Shaun Thomas), and Low Life in "Heavy Duty" part 3 (script by Rob Williams, art by Henry Flint). Yeowell cover.
Published Jul 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
July 28, 2004. All color except A.B.C.Warriors and Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Big Deal at Drekk City" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Shadow Warriors" book 2 part 1 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), Strontium Dog in "The Headly Foot Job" part 1 (script by Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra), and Caballistics, Inc. in "Picking Up the Pieces" (script byGordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon). Wraparound cover by Clint Langley.
Published Aug 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
August 4, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. and A.B.C. Warriors. Features include Judge Dredd in "Big Deal at Drekk City" part 2 (scirpt by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 1 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Bec & Kawl in "Hell To Pay" part 1 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Shadow Warriors" book 2 part 2 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), and Strontium Dog in "The Headly Foot Job" part 2 (script by Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). Flint cover.
Published Aug 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
August 11, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc, and A.B.C. Warriors. Features include Judge Dredd in "Big Deal at Drekk City" part 3 (script by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 2 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Bec & Kawl in "Hell To Pay" part 2 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Shodow Warriors" book 2 part 3 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), and Strontium Dog in "The Headly Foot Job" part 3 (script by Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). Cover by Roberts and Simon Davis.
Published Aug 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
August 18, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc, and A.B.C. Warriors. Features include Judge Dredd in "Big Deal at Drekk City" part 4 (script by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 3 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Bec & Kawl in "Hell To Pay" part 3 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Shadow Warriors" book 2 part 4 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), and Strontium Dog in "The Headly Foot Job" part 4 (script by Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). One-page strip, "Work Experience" part 1 (script by Spurrier, art by Roberts). Cliff Robinson cover.
Published Aug 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
August 25, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc, and A.B.C. Warriors. Features include Judge Dredd in "Big Deal at Drekk City" part 5 (script by John Wagner, art by Cam Kennedy), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Shadow Warriors" book 2 part 5 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), Bec & Kawl in "Hell To Pay" part 4 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts), Future Shjocks: "The Shape of Things To Come" (script by Chris Blythe, art by Steve Parkhouse), and Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 4 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon). Mark Harrison cover.
Published Sep 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.00
September 1, 2004. All color except for A.B.C. Warriors and Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "(This is Not a) Mega-City Love Story # 1: Callista" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Ben Wilsher), A.B.C. Warriors in "The Showdow Warriors" book 2 part 6 (script by Pat Mills, art by Henry Flint), Future Shocks: "Opiate of the Masses" (script by Chris Blythe, art by Steve Yeowell), and Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow' part 5 (script by Rennie, art by Dom Reardon). Flint cover.
Published Sep 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
September 8, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Rob Zombie" (script by Alan Grant, art by Shaun Thomas), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 6 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Robo-Hunter in "The Furzt Case" part 1 (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson), Asylum 2 part 1 (script by Rob Williams, art by Boo Cook), and Strontium Dog in "Traitor To His Kind" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). Gibson cover.
Published Sep 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$3.00
September 15, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in Scuzzbo Notel" (script by Alan Grant, art by David Roach), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 7 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Robo-Hunter in "The Furzt Case" part 2 (script by Grant, art by Ian Gibson), Asylum 2 part 2 (script by Rob Williams, art by Boo Cook), and Strontium Dog in "Traitor To His Kind" part 2 (script by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). One-page strip, "Work Experience" part 2 (script by Simon Spurrier, art by Steve Roberts). Frazer Irving cover.
Published Sep 2004 by IPC/Fleetway.$4.00
September 22, 2004. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. Features include Judge Dredd in "Total War" part 1 (script by John Wagner, art by Henry Flint), Caballistics, Inc. in "Creepshow" part 8 (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), Robo-Hunter in "The Furzt Case" part 3 (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson), Asylum 2 part 3 (script by Rob Williams, art by Boo Cook), and Strontium Dog in "Traitor To His Kind" part 3 (script by Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra). Cover by Ben Wilsher and Chris Blythe.