Twig (2022 Image) 1SOC CGC 9.8
Item #59675672
Twig (2022 Image) 1SOC CGC 9.8
Top CGC census grade for this issue.
Paper: White
Baldari Variant Cover.
Label #4063511017
Ended Jan 17 9:30 PM CST Bid History 9 bids Winning Bid $29 State of Comics and Warp Zone Comics Exclusive Cover by Nicoletta Baldari. Written by Skottie Young. Art by Kyle Strahm. SERIES PREMIERE Eisner Award-winning I HATE FAIRYLAND and MIDDLEWEST writer SKOTTIE YOUNG and artist KYLE STRAHM (SPREAD, UNEARTH) come together for an all-new epic fantasy/adventure miniseries! It's the first day of Twig's new job as a journeyer on a JEFF SMITH's Bone-esque quest to save a The Dark Crystal/Labyrinth-style world. Join our hesitant hero for an inspiring and imaginative tale of hope, heartache, and determination to overcome insurmountable odds! 28 pages, full color. Rated T Grade: CGC 9.8 explanation of grade Condition: Used (collectible)