Leading Comics (1941) 8 GD+ 2.5
1" Cumulative spine split. Water damage. Cover oxidation.
Cover pencils by Jon Small, inks by Maurice del Burgo. Exiles in Time! (Chapter 1), script by Joe Samachson, pencils by Jon Small, inks by Maurice del Burgo; Upset with the fact that the Sevon Soldiers seem to be wise to his vast criminal organization's plans, the Dummy, with the use of time machine, sends each of the Legionnaires to a different era in the past. The Queen's Necklace! (Chapter 2); Green Arrow and Speedy are hurled back into the days of the Three Musketeers and are arrested along with the three for dueling, and because of the disappearance of the Queen's pearl necklace. Courage in Canton! (Chapter 3). Voyage of the Vikings! (Chapter 4). Friends, Romans, Countrymen! (Chapter 5). The Legend of Leonardo! (Chapter 6). Conclusion (Chapter 7). Midnight Jones humor two-pager. 60 pgs. $0.10.
Cover price $0.10.
Grade: GD+ 2.5
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)