Captain America (1968 1st Series) 253 CGC 9.4
Paper: White
Label #4550490005
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"Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot" Part 1 of 2. Plot by Roger Stern and John Byrne. Script by Roger Stern. Pencils by John Byrne. Inks by Joe Rubinstein. Cover by John Byrne and Joe Rubinstein. Steve Rogers receives a coded message from across the Atlantic Ocean! And it's from his old World
War II ally Lord Falsworth (aka the first Union Jack). Apparently, a mysterious slasher is operating north of London, and Lord Falsworth knows that only Captain America can capture him! Upon arriving in England, Cap visits with his former teammates in the Invaders -- Jacqueline Falsworth
(aka Spitfire) and Lord Falsworth. The latter suspects that Baron Blood -- the bloodthirsty vampire from the war -- has returned. Oh my, could Baron Blood really be back from the dead? First appearance of Joey Chapman (aka the third Union Jack). Cameo appearances by Jarvis, Bernie Rosenthal, and
Kenneth Crichton. 32 pages.
Cover price $0.50.
Grade: CGC 9.4
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)