Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 120 CGC 9.0
1st app. Alpha Flight (cameo)
Paper: White
Label #3797325020
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"Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!" Part 1 of 2. Guest-starring Alpha Flight (1st appearance cameo). Story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Wolverine's past comes back to haunt him yet again. First the Canadian government sent its super-agent Vindicator to retrieve the awol operative (see Uncanny X-Men #109). But when the X-Men proved too much for the lone Canadian super-hero. This time they will send a whole strike force and not even the X-Men may be powerful enough to stop them getting what they want.
Cover price $0.35.
Grade: CGC 9.0
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)