New Teen Titans (1984 2nd Series) New Titans comic books 1996
Meltdown: Part 4 of 5. "Desperate Measures!" Guest-starring Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner). Written by Marv Wolfman. Art by William Rosado, Jordi Ensign, and Will Blyberg. The Titans and their allies prepare for the final battle. How will wildcards Raven and Changeling fit into the coming war? Cover price $2.25.
Final Issue - Meltdown: Part 5 of 5. "Where Nightmares End!" Guest-starring Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner. Nightwing cameo. Cover by George PĂ©rez. Written by Marv Wolfman. Art by William Rosado and Will Blyberg. The Titans come full circle as the threat that helped forge them together all those years ago (see New Teen Titans (1980-1988) #1) rears its ugly head yet again. It's all out war as the next generation of heroes go out not with a whimper, but with a BANG! Cover price $2.25.