Cerebus (1977-2004 Aardvark-Vanaheim) comic books 2002
Published Jan 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard If Rocks Be My Scenery: Part 9 of 35 ? Cerebus goes hurtling across desolate stretches of land which surround The Sanctuary. But where is he going? And can he get there in time? And what about the rebellion against his own authority? Well you know, if you had read the first half of the issue, you'd know all that! Contains another installment of "Aardvark Comment." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 26 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Feb 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.
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by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 10 of 35 ? "Avoyd Fornication." Words to live by? Or just another illusion? Cerebus brushes up on his military strategy to stay one step ahead of "Far Lane" McSpahn. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t- minus 25 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Mar 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 11 of 35 ? "And Men Shall Call Him Spore" That awful demonical apparition! Why does he look so... familiar? And yet, so strange? Yes! It's Spore, the king of all demons. Spore is the sanctuary and the sanctuary is of Spore. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 24 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Apr 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.
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by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 12 of 35 ? "With this Cast and this Bag and this Crutch" Dave Sim is back to using titles that don't tell you anything about what's going on in the current issue. Includes Part 2 of Sim's essay, "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 23 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published May 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 13 of 35 ? "...From Whence Wakes ... The Bird Watcher? " Are you sure this is a Cerebus comic? 'Cause it sure don't sound like a Cerebus comic. Includes the concluding installment of "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 22 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Jun 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard LATTER DAYS: Part 14 (of 35) "Pretty Flowers, Pretty Sunsets"?Wait a minute! Wait a minute! An issue of Cerebus titled "Pretty Flowers, Pretty Sunsets"?! I haven't even read it yet and I already want my money back! Includes Part Three of Sim's essay, "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 21 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Jul 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard LATTER DAYS: Part 15 (of 35) "In the Beginning"?Can it be true? After twenty-four years and seven months, can it be that we are finally going to get the One True Definitive Origin of Cerebus?! Who he is and how he came to be? The origin of his Chawwabungium skeleton and his amazing powers? Unfortunately... No. Includes Part Four of Sim's essay, "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 20 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Aug 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard LATTER DAYS: Part 16 (of 35) "And It Came To Passe"? Cerebus continues his study of the obscure sacred text Konigsberg, the Not-So-Good Samaritan has brought him. Konigsberg, meanwhile, gets back to his critical self-analysis as a devoted student of the works of Sigmund Fräud (being always careful to put the umlaut over the "a" in the Master's name). Includes Part Five of Sim's essay, "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 19 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Sep 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 17 (of 35) "Chasing YHWH"? Cerebus continues dictating his commentaries on the second and third books of the obscure scared texts. Konigsberh, the not-so-good Samaritan, meanwhile, continues his diary entries documenting his self-analysis as a dedicated Fraudian. Also contains Part 5 of Sim's essay, "Islam, My Islam." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 18 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Oct 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.
This item is not in stock at MyComicShop. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available.
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 18 (of 35) "Still Chasing YHWH"?The side-splitting sequel to last month's laff-a-minute, sleeper hit of the fall. Cerebus continues his study of obscure, sacred text Konigsberg, the not-so-good Samaritan has brought him. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 17 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 POSTSCRIPT: Back in December of 1977, little known Canadian artist Dave Sim sat down at his drafting table and came up with a cute little aardvark holding a sword. Little did he know then that 25 years later, that little earth-pig would be the model for all independent comics yet to come. Cerebus is closing in on it's final days as Sim has said from the beginning that it was to be a 300 issue "mini-series". We've seen Cerebus go from being a Conan-esque parody to a hard-hitting social and political satire and have seen Dave evolve from "one of those guys who does black and white comics" to one of the biggest proponents of creators' rights, and a figurehead of sorts for small press and independent comic books. In addition, we have seen the Cerebus comic change and transmogrify from being a traditional comic, to pure prose, to illustrated prose and back again. Also, I would be remiss not to mention the always wonderful letters page. As this monumental series winds down, issue 283 has just recently hit the stands, let's all take a moment to give a hearty handshake and "thank you" to the man who has taken us on a long and memorable journey by all sitting down and reading the beautiful tales he has given us. There's always a lot more to Cerebus than the ongoing Cerebus saga. You also get Dave Sim--smart, articulate, with plenty on his mind, and with no fear of expressing just what he thinks. Case in point is this issue of Cerebus. "Why Canada Slept," a three-part series appearing in Cerebus 283, 284 and 286, looks at the reaction of western democracies to 9/11 and ensuing events. If you've wondered why Canada and much of Europe have no stomach for facing down terrorism, Dave Sim's "Why Canada Slept" shines a bright light on this compelling issue. Here's to you Dave; thanks for the Cerebus memories and for having the courage to say what needs saying. Cover price $2.25.
Published Nov 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 19 (of 35) "Still Chasing YHWH III"?Don't believe the hype! It's a sequel! We know you're getting tired of hearing this, but Cerebus continues his commentaries on the sacred tests, while Konigsberg's love life ? which had been looking so promising up until the last page of last issue ? hits rock bottom. And for Konigsberg, that's really saying something. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 16 and counting! Also in this issue: Why Canada Slept, Pt. 2 of 3. b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.
Published Dec 2002 by Aardvark-Vanaheim.$2.50
by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 20 (of 35) "Still Chasing YHWH IV: The Final Chapter"?"Dazzling!" "Invomparable!" "The funniest Cerebus in years!" Just a few of the unsolicited comments received from a bunch of comic book journalists that were put up in a four-star hotel and piled with free food and alcohol on the recent press junket celebrating Cerebus' 25th anniversary issue! The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues... t-minus 15 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 Cover price $2.25.