Panel One Comic Book Scripts by Top Writers SC (2002 About Comics) comic books 2002
Published Feb 2002 by About Comics.$8.70
1st printing. Learn comic book writing by reading examples by the best. Panel One (Volume 1) includes full scripts by Neil Gaiman, Kurt Busiek, Greg Rucka, and Kevin Smith, plus a plot by Marv Wolfman, a drawn script by Jeff Smith, and a short script by Nat Gertler with an illustrated version drawn by Steve Lieber. Panel Two (Volume 2) includes a panel-by-panel plot by Mark Evanier, along with full scripts by folks ranging from Golden Age great Otto Binder to best-selling author Peter David. Drawn scripts are by Scott McCloud, Judd Winick, and Mike Baron. Softcover, 8 1/2-in. x 11-in., 194 pages, B&W. Cover price $19.95.