Cover pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Bob Smith. "Name Fame," script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Tim Kennedy, inks by Ken Selig; When the girls both get sports jerseys with Archie's name and number on them, he has to think fast to return the favor without showing favoritism. You Don't Need Drugs to public service announcement, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Bob Smith. "History of Arch," script by Craig Boldman, art by Rex Lindsey; An introduction to all the Archie characters, with Archie and Betty on a bike together at the end. "A Clothes Encounter of the Worst Kind," script by George Gladir, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Henry Scarpelli; Archie helps disguise Mr. Lodge by ruining his clothes. "Here VR, Dr. Doom & Me!", script by C. J. Henderson, art by Rex Lindsey; Mad Doctor Doom kidnaps Archie so he can begin his plan of conquering the world using Dilton's virtual reality machine. "Defense Zone," script by Frank Doyle, pencils by Dan DeCarlo, inks by Jim DeCarlo; When Betty and Veronica challenge Archie's team to a baseball game, they bring a team of elementary school girls to play, and the boys are beaten easily. "Help Wanted," script by Frank Doyle, pencils by Harry Lucey, inks by Terry Szenics; As usual, Big Moose takes what people say much too literally. "Flat Broke and Out of Money," script by Frank Doyle, art by Chic Stone; Veronica agrees to go on a walk with Archie as a cheap date but things don't end up as Archie intended. "Head Work," script by Frank Doyle, art by Harry Lucey; Archie gets an expensive vase stuck on his head. 100 pgs., full color.
Cover price $2.19.