Painted cover art by Wendy Pini. Introduction to this special, behind the scenes, wrap-up to the first Elfquest series. From Wendy's sketchbooks, the first drawings of the Elfquest characters Joyleaf, Bearclaw, Lord Voll, Tyldak, Khavi, and Timmain. Letters from Scott McLeod and T.M. Maple. Behind the scenes sketches and character roughs, including the original Elfquest time line, script by Richard Pini, art by Wendy Pini. Two-weeks of strips produced for a proposed Elfquest daily strip. Wendy Pini concept drawings and page layouts, with commentary by Richard Pini. Various convention sketches produced by Wendy Pini. Comparisons of various Elfquest sequences to passages from the plays of William Shakespeare. Ad for the Elfquest Fan Club. Short humorous strip reflecting on the end of Elfquest. 36 pgs. $1.50.
Cover price $1.50.