Painted cover art by William A. Walsh. "The Tinder-Box," script by Hans Christian Andersen (adapted from his original story), art by William A. Walsh; A soldier acquires a magic tinder-box capable of summoning three huge dogs to do his bidding; Over several nights, he orders the dogs to bring him a sleeping princess locked in a tower by her parents who fear she will marry a common soldier; When the princess's nightly whereabouts are discovered by the King and Queen, the soldier is arrested and sentenced to death. "The Lioness and Her Family" from Aesop's Fables, art by William A. Walsh; When several animals boast of their large families, a lioness tells them she has only one offspring - but that one is a lion, the king of beasts. "Hickety, Pickety" Mother Goose nursery rhyme; A black hen lays eggs every day for visiting gentlemen. "The Kinkajou," art by William A. Walsh; Five panel factual account of the habits, home, and diet of the kinkajou. Color This Picture With Crayons page, art by Lin Streeter. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.15.