Vault of Horror (1950 E.C. Comics) comic books 1955
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- Near complete spine split. Cover oxidation.
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- Interior is complete. Full length spine split.
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Final issue of the series. Cover by Johnny Craig. Ad for MAD magazine. "Old Man Mose!", script and art by Johnny Craig; Ned stopped his wagon when he saw townspeople throwing stones at old Mose, a man they thought worshipped the Devil since he lived in the Black Church. "An Harrow Escape!", script by Carl Wessler, art by Joe Orlando; Captain Grady's ship approached the seemingly derelict "Sea Witch", boarded her and found the entire group on board slaughtered. "The Pit!", script by Carl Wessler, art by Bernard Krigstein; Felix & Lila listened to the crowd screaming for blood as they watched a cock fight; Nearby, they was another fight brewing between vicious dogs. "Bloodsuckers" text story. "Ashes to Ashes!", art by Graham Ingels; Emil sat at his desk in the old Frankenstein mansion writing in his diary about how his infamous Father had tried to create life from a miasmic swamp. An editoral urges readers to write the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, which had begun investigating the comics industry. 36 pgs., full color. $0.10. Cover price $0.10.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
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