Nightwing (1996 DC) Annual comic books
"Pulp Heroes," DC's Annuals event, begins in the finest tradition of the romance pulps. Dick encounters what seems to be a string of "black widow" killings: a young woman whose husbands keep mysteriously dying. Faced with a case that seems unsolvable, Dick does the only thing he can...he marries her! But as he becomes more involved with the case, he realizes that he may actually be falling in love--with a killer. Written by Devin K. Grayson. Art by Greg Land and Bob McLeod. Painted cover by Joe Chiodo. FC, 64 pg. Cover price $3.95.
Tags: Batman$8.00
Written by Marc Andreyko. Art and cover by Joe Bennett & Jack Jadson. One year ago, Dick Grayson pledged his heart to Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Oracle, then nearly surrendered his life during the INFINITE CRISIS. Now, learn the full comeback story of Nightwing as it brings to light the story of DC's most star-crossed couple in a stunning annual by fan favorites Marc Andreyko (MANHUNTER) and Joe Bennett (52). ? 48 pg, FC Cover price $3.99.