Marvel Spotlight (1993 Marvel 1st Series) Promo comic books
January 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. This issue also contains a short interview with Jim Starlin. In the spotlight this month: The Secret Defenders; the Avengers and Iron Man turn thirtysomething; Amazing Spider-Man #375; Fantastic Four Unlimited; Fantastic Four #374; plus: 1-page interview with Jim Starlin.
February 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: Midnight Sons Unlimited; G.I. Joe relaunch; Fantastic Four #375; Hellstorm #1; Namor gets new armor; She-Hulk #50; Dr. Strange/Morbius crossover.
May 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: The Warlock Chronicles; there's a new Hulk in town in 2099 Unlimited; the party starts with a blast...Havok X-Factor #92; Avengers #364.
June 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: Deadpool limited series; the truth behind the 'tooth in the Sabretooth limited series; the X-Men Anniversary continues in X-Force #25.
July 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: Celebrating 30 years of the Mutant and the Mighty - Uncanny X-Men #304 and Avengers #366; Infinity Crusade #4; X-Men Anniversary Magazine.
August 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: X-Men 2099; the toughest X-Man loses his backbone in X-Men #25; Daredevil #321; plus: 1-page interview with John Francis Moore on X-Men 2099.
September 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics. In the spotlight this month: The meeting of the Mutant and the Mighty in "Bloodties," the X-Men/Avengers crossover; Spider-Woman limited series - a leggy web-slinger swings into action; Avengers West Coast #100 - Mephisto gives the Avengers hell; Excalibur #71 - beginning a bold new era; Transformers: Generation 2 #1 - Prime's directive; plus: 1-page interview with George Perez on Sachs & Violens.
November 1993. Eight-page promotional magazine by Marvel publicizing upcoming comics, including Marvels. Alex Ross cover. In the spotlight this month: Marvels - the Marvel Universe as seen by the man on the street; Nova #1 - find out what makes him ticked; Scarlet Witch limited series - try this book for a spell; Hawkeye limited series; "Suicide Run" crossover in the Punisher titles; plus: 1-page interview with Kurt Busiek on Marvels.