Cover by Dick Giordano. Edited by Roger Broughton. Stories by Joe Gill, Dick Piscopo and Nicola Cuti. Art by Tom Sutton, Dick Piscopo and Steve Ditko. ACG Comics reprints classic horror stories that originally appeared in Charlton comics from the 1960s to the 1970s. Included are Steve Ditkos adaptations of the British monster movie Gorgo (renamed Kegor here for legal reasons) and its comics-only sequel, The Return of Gorgo. A giant, prehistoric creature is captured at sea, but then humanity learns that it is merely a baby monster - and its mother is about to come looking for it. Then, a mad scientist gains control of Kegor and plans to use it to take over the world. In a backup story, David learns what his uncle really was when he arrives to claim his inheritance. Featuring reprints from Charltons Gorgo, Midnight Tales, Creepy Things and Ghost Manor. Kegor; Monster Of The Deep; The Kilgore Monster; Crazy Jack; The Lurker in the Pit. 64 pages, B&W.
Cover price $5.95.