35 cent edition. During the schools Better World festival, Archie, Betty and the gang deal with tough modern-day issues like self-esteem, physical health and parental neglect through strong doses of Vitamin Jesus. The first of the Spire Christian Comics to use the Archie characters to convey a spiritually uplifting message. Story, art and cover by Al Hartley. 32 pages.
Cover price $0.35.
39 cent edition. During the schools Better World festival, Archie, Betty and the gang deal with tough modern-day issues like self-esteem, physical health and parental neglect through strong doses of Vitamin Jesus. The first of the Spire Christian Comics to use the Archie characters to convey a spiritually uplifting message. Story, art and cover by Al Hartley. 32 pages.
Cover price $0.39.
49 cent edition. During the schools Better World festival, Archie, Betty and the gang deal with tough modern-day issues like self-esteem, physical health and parental neglect through strong doses of Vitamin Jesus. The first of the Spire Christian Comics to use the Archie characters to convey a spiritually uplifting message. Story, art and cover by Al Hartley. 32 pages.
Cover price $0.49.
No price edition. During the schools Better World festival, Archie, Betty and the gang deal with tough modern-day issues like self-esteem, physical health and parental neglect through strong doses of Vitamin Jesus. The first of the Spire Christian Comics to use the Archie characters to convey a spiritually uplifting message. Story, art and cover by Al Hartley. 32 pages.