ERBania (1956-2009 Peter Ogden) Fanzine comic books 1989
Published 1989 (est.) by Peter Ogden.$5.60
Issue #59 - Spring 1989. Cover of Buster Crabb, back cover by Roy Krenkel. "Another Look at C.T. Stoneham and Kaspa" by Peter Ogden, reviews. 8 1/2-in. x 11-in., 14 pages, black and white.
Published 1989 (est.) by Peter Ogden.$9.30
Issue #60 - Fall 1989. Fanzine dedicated to the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Front and back cover by Gray Morrow. "Tarzan Sunday Strip" by Ken Webber, "Tarzan on Treasure Island" by Gisela Barrett, "Tarzan Villain - Burroughs Fan" by Peter Sherayko, letters. 8 1/2-in. x 11-in., 14 pages, black and white.