Cover by Orestes Calpini. Stories and art by Orestes Calpini, Art Helfant, Burt Frohman, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Kids' comics from Hillman, featuring mischievous puppet Punch and his human friend Judy. Punch the puppet swipes a fancy-dress suit and some cash from Uncle Tony, and crashes Mrs. Van Blimp's high-society party. Bucky the Mule gets three wishes from a genie, but as usual he pushes his luck a little too far. A rare funny animal strip - Simon and Kirby's first funny-animal work ever - Rover The Rascal, produced at roughly the same time as their crime comics. Punch and Judy; Fatsy McPig; Earl the Rich Rabbit; Punch in the Old House; Billy Boy and Fancy Horse; Alfie and Ralphie; Bucky the Mule; Dippy; Little Horse Feather; Rover The Rascal. 48 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.