Cover by John Prentice. Art by John Prentice, Paul Parker and Gerald McCann. Another crime comic from the prolific studio of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, this one featuring crimes throughout history as well as the standard gangster tales. Sometimes listed as Real Clue Crime #60. No issue # on cover; Vol. 5, issue #12 in indicia. An aging crook remembers the good old days of fancy gangster funerals. Crooks threaten to reveal a TV star's secret criminal past. Hoods seek a new venture: stealing purebred hounds. The Old-Time Planter; Park Avenue Pirate; The Ears of the Honored Guest; The Thing on the Floor; Hobo's Finger Ice; Gas-Eating Sam; Daniel and the Spaniel; The Mighty Child. 48 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.