cover by takeshi miyazawa ben dunn & kevin gunstone (W)/ben dunn (p & I) ? THE SCOOP: A new story begins! ? THE STORY: Intent on taking over New York, Dr. Doom takes the UN hostage! Harnessing his awesome techno magick, he sets about recasting New York in his own graven image -- and depowering the Mangaverse heroes in the proces! As he beats down the mechanical might of the Avengers, only Dr Strange, Black Panther and Tigra stand against him! The Mangaverse will be changed forever as this "take no prisoners" Doom leaves only corpses in his wake! Plus: a cover by Sidekick's Takeshi Miyazawa! ? THE BUZZ: "What started out as a fun little fifth-week event has spawned a collector frenzy." -Wizard, the Comics Magazine ? THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy-stock paper. 7-59606-05296-7-0041 (MarvelPG) 2.25
Cover price $2.25.