Written by Paul Dini. Art and Cover by J. Bone. From the pages of Jingle Belle comes everybody's favorite Texas firebrand! Master comics writer Paul Dini has set his imagination loose in the Southwest, and the result is Mutant, Texas, a town where several natural and nuclear disasters have irradiated the environment, giving strange new attributes to the inhabitants -- human, animal, and otherwise. This includes the pretty-as-pie, ginger-locked, good-time gal, Ida Red. A lady who can fly and shoot blasts of lightning from her fingers makes one heck of a sheriff, particularly when those crafty Kiyote Bros. are on the prowl! Join Dini and artist J. Bone for a brand-new adventure, taking you from Ida's youth to when she earned that silver star. 32 pages, B&W.
Cover price $2.95.