(W) Scott Wherle. (A) Eric Hanson. (I) Barb Schulz. In stores the week of June 12th. The Concept: Within our own universe, in a sub-atomic realm, lie endless worlds of scientific magnificence, under the rule of an evil tyrant, Baron Karza. Can a small band of misfit aliens and one human put an end to his reign? Find out in issue #1. Classic space opera with a modern twist! This Issue: The Micronauts are back, BIG time! Acroyear, Baron Karza, Space Glider and Biotron return for an all new era of sci-fi excitement. On a distant planet, Earth-born Ryan Archer sits behind cold prison bars, and relays the tale of his arrival to a mysterious armored warrior. Can this rebel warrior help him? Will he ever see home again, or is he destined to remain there for life? More importantly is why the world's tyrant leader, Baron Karza, fears him. Join the cause this summer: the rebellion begins, June 2002! Recommended for readers and fans of the classic Micronauts comics and toys, Star Wars, Farscape, Babylon 5, The Matrix, The Running Man, and Sigil. Bimonthly. FC, 32pg.
Cover price $2.95.