- Staple rust.
Rust migration.
The Adventures of Flip and Chip, the Chipmunk Twins (1949), written by Fred C. Hubbard, with quality art by James Gibson and John Kessler, is a children's comic strip book told in a combination of text and newspaper dailies styles. The story of Flip and Chip appears to have originally been a failed newspaper comic strip that was never picked up by a synidcate, but was later published in this format and marketed, we believe, as a promotional giveaway for stores. Like many rare, obscure items from the early days of comics, the complete history of this item may never be known. Not listed in price guides as of this writing (2005). Published by the Paxton Press, Roanoke, Virginia. 28 pages, B&W, heavy cover stock (printed on multiple colors) white interior paper, 5.5-in. x 8.25-in, no cover price.