Superboy (1949-1979 1st Series DC) Mark Jewelers comic books
View scanMark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Million-Dollar Double-Cross!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Bob Brown, inks by Murphy Anderson; Pete Ross figures out that a gang leader named Domino is a boarder in his moms house. War between the Nights and Days!--A New Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes, script by Cary Bates and Nick Pascale (original idea), art by Dave Cockrum; The Legion has to broker peace between the two factions of planet Pasnic, one of which lives in perpetual sunlight, the other half in perpetual darkness. 36 pgs. $0.20 Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. Timber Wolf: Dead Hero, Live Executioner!--A New Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes, script by Cary Bates, art by Dave Cockrum; Timber Wolf returns from a mission where he was presumed dead, and while being honored, attacks the President of Earth. The Slay-Away Plan, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Bob Brown inks by Murphy Anderson; Superboy and Lana thwart a robbery of rare treasures. Behind the Scenes at the DC Comic World, script by Paul Levitz, art by Dave Cockrum. 36 pgs. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.20.
View scanMark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Betrayer from Beyond, script by Cary Bates, art by Dave Cockrum; One of the applicants for Legion membership is actually an android after the Miracle Machine, but it is stopped by Erg-1 who has already used the Miracle Machine to regain his corporeality. The Silent Death, script by Cary Bates, art by Dave Cockrum; Dream Girl and Karate Kid try to figure out her premonition of a Legionnaire in danger. 36 pgs. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Legionnaire Nobody Remembered, script by Cary Bates, art by Mike Grell; The Legionnaires ponder a photo in their archives featuring a Legionnaire no one remembers, Anti-Lad; The readers are told how a time traveler from the far-distant future saw Superboy being rejected by the Legion in his initial tryout and went to the Legion's time to make sure they gave the Boy of Steel a second chance. Brainiac 5's Secret Weakness!, script by Cary Bates, art by Mike Grell; Brainiac 5 misses Supergirl so much his subconscious mind creates an android version of her; When Brainy and his android get into trouble, the real Supergirl saves them and announces she is leaving the Legion. 36 pgs. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Mike Grell. Superman Hostess fruit pies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Who Can Save the Princess?, script by Jim Shooter, art by Mike Grell; The Legionnaires must siphon off Princess Projectra's pain in order to allow her to survive the Pain Plague. Hero for a Day, script by Cary Bates, art by Mike Grell; While giving a tour to a special fan, the Legion receives a dangerous Witch Wolf; When the Legionnaires fail to subdue the animal, Flynt Brojj realizes that the Legionnaires are victims of a mass hypnotic spell. Boltinoff tells how Jim Shooter came to write the Legion again, and includes a short biographical essay by Shooter. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Mike Grell. The Super Soldiers of the Slave-Maker, script by Jim Shooter (from a suggestion by Ken Klaczak), pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Bob Wiacek; the reptilian Thargg race have enslaved the denizens of Murgador and are making them work the mines, and Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes step in to help. Twinkies and Kelp Hostess Twinkies ad starring Aquaman, pencils by Curt Swam inks by Vince Colletta. Dream Girl's Living Nightmare, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Bob Wiacek; Dream Girl dreams she sees Primor Nryd Gordor of Demros-II get assassinated. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Mike Grell. We Can't Escape the Trap in Time!, script by Jim Shooter, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Bob Wiacek; When the Time-Trapper learns that he can only rule the universe in possible futures where five Legionnaires do not exist, he brings Superboy, Karate Kid, Chameleon Boy, Saturn Girl and Sun Boy to his lair to kill them. Hostess Twinkie ad starring Batman, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Mike Grell art. Cover price $0.30.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Mike Grell. And Who Shall Lead Them?, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by James Sherman, inks by Bob Wiacek; Wildfire is sworn in as new Legion leader, but Superboy thinks the job should be his. Hostess Twinkie ad starring Aquaman, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Message from the new publisher, Jenette Kahn, art by Neal Adams. A Matter of Priorities, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by Michael Netzer [as Mike Nasser], inks by Bob Wiacek; While escorting Ambassador Relnic on a secret diplomatic mission, the Legion must subdue Tseln of Thaun without revealing their undercover identities. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. "War at World's End!" Script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Jack Abel. Statement of ownership--average print run 478,000; average paid circulation 218,000. Batman stars in a one-page Hostess ad, "The Whole World's Upside Down." Arnold Schwarzenegger appears in a Joe Weider bodybuilding ad. Mike Grell cover. Cover price $0.30.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Mike Grell. That a World Might Live...A Legionnaire Must Die!, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by James Sherman, inks by Jack Abel; The Australian Regional Governor, Deregon, is working with the Dark Circle to create an energy explosion that will trigger World War VII. Ad for Hostess Cup Cakes starring Batman and Robin, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Dick Giordano. 36 pgs. $0.35. Cover price $0.35.
View scanMark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Dick Giordano. Savage Sanctuary!, script by Len Wein, pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Jack Abel; Tharok plans to remake Corvan IV like how the Fatal Five wants it, but the Legion steps in. Hostess Fruit Pies ad starring the Penguin, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Celebration!, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by Joe Staton, inks by David Hunt; Brainiac 5 investigates problems surrounding the Legion Leader elections. Issue dedicated to the memory of Mort Weisinger. 36 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. "Capital Crimes of the Chemical Conqueror!" Story by Gerry Conway. Art by Joe Staton and Jack Abel. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Jim Starlin art and script. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. "Postscript to Holocaust!" Story by Gerry Conway. Art by Art by Joe Staton and David Hunt. Cover price $0.40.
Mark Jeweler Advertisement Insert Variant. Cover art by Dick Giordano. Night of the Super-Assassins!, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; five youths claim the Legion destroyed their world. Hostess Cup Cakes ad starring Batman, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Fred Hembeck cartoon. Ask the Answer Man with Bob Rozakis. 36 pgs. $0.40. Cover price $0.40.