Captain Marvel (1995 3rd Series Marvel) comic books
Cover art by Ed Benes. Junior Achievement, script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers; Did the son of Captain Mar-vell kill 2,000 people, or was he framed for murder? Fabian Nicieza discusses why he is writing the series. Captain Marvel glossary. 36 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
Cover pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers. Why is the Sky Blue? (and Other Questions Kids Ask Their Parents), script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers; Legacy goes on a talk show with Rick and Marlo Jones. Fabian discusses the issue. Captain Marvel glossary. 36 pgs. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.
Cover pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers. Bitter Pills, script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers; Captain Marvel battle X-Treme, and then they team up to take on Eric the Red. 36 pgs. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.
"Rogg and Roll" Genis must battle Zey-Rogg, the son of his father's enemy Yon-Rogg. Script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Joe Pimental. Cover pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Mike Sellers. Cover price $1.95.
Cover art by Daerick Gross. In the Name of God?, script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Daerick Gross, inks by Mike Sellers and Jeff Albrecht; Marv seeks vengeance against his cosmic "parole officer", the Godstalker! Can the Captain actually defeat a Celestial? 36 pgs. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.
Cover art by Ed Benes. True Believers, script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ed Benes, inks by Joe Pimental; Marv is on a lifeless world--but the planet's inhabitants don't know they're dead! Can Cap convince them to shuffle off this mortal coil? 36 pgs. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.