Starmasters/Cosmic Powers x-over, part 1/5. Cover art by Claudio Castellini. Silver Surfer, script by Ron Marz, pencils by Scott Benefiel and Steve Carr, inks by Jasen Rodriguez, Bob Almond, and Mike Miller; Mistress Death decides she wants the Silver Surfer as a consort, and Thanos is only too happy to comply. Epilogue, script by Ron Marz, pencils by Ron Lim, inks by Terry Austin; Thanos uses the Reality Gem to bring Mar-Vell back to life. Text Piece With Art Advertising the Silver Surfer/Rune Flip Book, pencils by Barry Windsor-Smith and Henry Flint, inks by John Buscema. Silver Surfer pinup by John Buscema. Silver Surfer pinup by Michael Golden. 68 pgs. $3.95.
Cover price $3.95.