Thor Corps (1993) comic books
Tags: Thor$2.50
Cover pencils by Pat Olliffe. "A Gathering of Heroes--!", script by Tom DeFalco, art by Pat Olliffe; Dargo Ktor, the Thor of the 26th century of an alternate reality, is sought by Demonstaff to find his wife Ellene; To assist him against inter-dimensional foes, Demonstaff summons two other heroes who have Asgardian-enchanted hammers: Beta Ray Bill and Eric Masterson. Thor illustration by Mike DeCarlo. 36 pgs., full color. $1.75. Cover price $1.75.
Cover pencils by Pat Olliffe. "Gather Chaos--!", script by Tom DeFalco, art by Pat Olliffe; Thor Corps fights their way back to "Elsewhen" to retrieve Demonstaff's wife, while Warlord Kargul tries to hunt down Demonstaff, before all realities are destroyed. 36 pgs., full color. $1.75. Cover price $1.75.
Tags: Thor$2.50
Cover pencils by Pat Olliffe. "Ravaged by Reality!", script by Tom DeFalco, pencils by Pat Olliffe, inks by Romeo Tanghal; The Thor Corps are split up throughout time and space as they attempt to save all of reality from a love-crazed madman. 36 pgs., full color. $1.75. Cover price $1.75.
Tags: Thor$6.00
Cover by Harrison. "What I Did For Love!", script by Tom DeFalco, pencils by Pat Olliffe, inks by Romeo Tanghal; The truth comes out; Demonstaff was a scientist that had become obsessed by his work; He pushed away his girlfriend and only realized what he had did when it too late; He goes mad, gains cosmic powers and is now threatening all reality in order to win her back; Cosmic and not so cosmic character's clash (Dargo's girlfriend tries her own punches), and in the end Demonstaff finds himself in limbo. 36 pgs., full color. $1.75. Cover price $1.75.