Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 135 FR 1.0
INCOMPLETE. Marvel Value Stamp has been removed. Does not interrupt story.
Cover by John Romita Sr. Second full appearance of the Punisher in "Shoot-Out in Central Park," script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Frank Giacoia; Spider-Man finds himself in a shoot-out with Tarantula and Punisher after saving a cruise ship from hijacking; Peters friends grow suspicious about his double identity; Harry Osborn discovers Peters spider suit! Letter to the editor from Steve Saffel. The letters page also has Marvel Value Stamp series A # 4: Thing (of the Fantastic Four). Reprinted in Marvel Tales # 112 and 211. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25.
Cover price $0.25.