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Comic books 1985

44 of 52 in stock 2000 AD (1977 IPC/Fleetway/Rebellion) UK #1-2011 IPC/Fleetway 1977 - 2017
Out of stock 2000 AD Annual HC (1978-1995 Fleetway) 1978-1995 Fleetway 1977 - 1994
6 of 6 in stock 2000 AD Monthly (1985 1st Series) #1-6 Eagle 1985
In stock 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special (1978-Present IPC/Fleetway) UK 1978-2020 IPC/Fleetway 1978 - 2020
Out of stock A Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories GN (1985 Kitchen Sink) By Will Eisner #1 Kitchen Sink 1985 - 1989
3 of 4 in stock A Distant Soil (1983 Warp) #1-9 WaRP Graphics 1983 - 1986
Out of stock A Month of Sundays: The Best of Rick O'Shay and Hipshot TPB (1985 Cottonwood) #1 Cottonwood 1985 - 1993
Out of stock A Real Gein-Zine (1985) #1 R.K. Sloane 1985
12 of 12 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) #0-904 DC 1938 - 2011
5 of 12 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) Canadian Price Variant #536-600 DC 1982 - 1988
0 of 6 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) Mark Jewelers #415-572 DC 1972 - 1985
Out of stock Adam (1956-1996 Knight Publishing Corp.^) Magazine 2nd Series #1-40 Knight Publishing 1956 - 1996
2 of 2 in stock Adam and Eve A.D. (1985) #1-10 BAM Productions 1985 - 1987
In stock Adastra (UK) #11 1985
Out of stock Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures HC (1985 TSR) #1 TSR 1985
Out of stock Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Unearthed Arcana HC (1985 TSR) #1 TSR 1985 - 1988
Out of stock Adventures of Kool-Aid Man (1983 Marvel) #1-3 Marvel 1983 - 1985
8 of 12 in stock Adventures of the Big Boy (1957-1996 Webs Adv. Corp.) Restaurant Promo #1-485 Big Boy Restaurants 1956 - 1998
In stock Adventures of Tintin Land of Black Gold GN (1975 LBC) #1 Little Brown and Company 1975 - 1985
Out of stock Adventures of Tintin The Crab with the Golden Claws GN (1975 LBC) #1 Little Brown and Company 1975 - 1985
In stock Adventures of Tintin The Red Sea Sharks GN (1976 LBC) #1 Little Brown and Company 1976 - 1985
Out of stock Airwolf Annual HC (1985) 1986 Egmont Publishing 1985
1 of 2 in stock Akira TPB (1985 Kodansha) Janpanese Edition #1-6 Kodansha 1985 - 1990
In stock Aladdin Effect GN (1985 Marvel Graphic Novel) #1 Marvel 1985
4 of 4 in stock Albedo (1985 1st Series Thoughts and Images) #0-14 Thoughts & Images 1983 - 1989
Out of stock Alfred Hitchcock's Anthology (1977-1989 Davis) #1-27 Davis Publications, Inc. 1977 - 1989
In stock Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (1956 Davis-Dell) #1-64 H.S.D. Publications 1956 - 2019
4 of 4 in stock Alien Encounters (1985 Eclipse) #1-14 Eclipse 1985 - 1987
6 of 6 in stock Alien Legion (1984 1st Series) #1-20 Marvel/Epic 1984 - 1987
In stock Alien Worlds (1982 1st Series) #1-9 Pacific Comics 1982 - 1985
In stock All Night Comics (1985) #1-2 All Night Comics 1982 - 1985
12 of 12 in stock All Star Squadron (1981) #1-67 DC 1981 - 1987
3 of 12 in stock All Star Squadron (1981) Canadian Price Variant #13-67 DC 1982 - 1987
1 of 12 in stock All Star Squadron (1981) Mark Jewelers #14-56 DC 1982 - 1986
0 of 3 in stock Alpha Adventures (1981-1988 Fanzine) #1-18 John Postovit 1981 - 1988
12 of 12 in stock Alpha Flight (1983 1st Series) #1-130 Marvel 1983 - 1994
11 of 12 in stock Alpha Flight (1983 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant #1-37 Marvel 1983 - 1986
10 of 12 in stock Alpha Flight (1983 1st Series) Mark Jewelers #3-51 Marvel 1983 - 1987
Out of stock Alpha Flight (Spanish 1985-1988 Comics Forum/Planeta DeAgostini) #18 Planeta DeAgostini 1985
1 of 2 in stock Alpha Track (1985) #1-2 Fantasy General 1985
Out of stock Alternate Existance (1982) #1-2 Alternate Publications 1982 - 1985
0 of 2 in stock Amar Chitra Katha (1967 India Book House) #11-582 IBH Printers 1969 - 2024
17 of 24 in stock Amazing Heroes (1981) #1-203 Fantagraphics 1981 - 1998
2 of 2 in stock Amazing Heroes Preview Special (1985) #1-11 Fantagraphics 1985 - 1990
In stock Amazing High Adventure (1984) #1-5 Marvel 1984 - 1986
12 of 12 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) #0-441 Marvel 1963 - 2007
In stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Annual #1-1997 Marvel 1964 - 1997
Out of stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Annual Canadian Price Variant #1-20 Marvel 1964 - 1986
10 of 12 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant #233-279 Marvel 1982 - 1986
1 of 13 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Mark Jewelers #97-349 Marvel 1971 - 1991
1 of 2 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (Australian 1984-1985 Federal) #6-7 Federal Publishing Co. 1985
Out of stock Amazing Spider-Man Annual HC (1974 World Distributors/Panini Books) Spider-Man Annual 1975-2017 Marvel UK 1970 - 2016
1 of 4 in stock Amazing Stories (1926-Present Experimenter) Pulp #1-76 Experimenter Publications 1926 - 2018
0 of 13 in stock Amazing Stories of Suspense (UK 1963 Alan Class) #1-236 Alan Class & Co 1963 - 1986
4 of 4 in stock Ambush Bug (1985) #1-4 DC 1985
4 of 4 in stock Ambush Bug (1985) Canadian Price Variant #1-4 DC 1985
Out of stock America Becomes a World Power (1985) #1 Academic Industries, Inc. 1985
4 of 4 in stock America vs. the Justice Society (1985 DC) #1-4 DC 1985
0 of 4 in stock America vs. the Justice Society (1985 DC) Canadian Price Variant #1-4 DC 1985
Out of stock American Cinematographer Magazine (1920 ASC Holding Corp.) #10-90 ASC 1930 - 2009
Out of stock American Comic Book Exhibition Catalog (1985) #0 Ohio State University Pre 1985
12 of 12 in stock American Flagg (1983 1st Series) #1-50 First Publishing 1983 - 1988
Out of stock American Flagg Hard Times HC (1985 First Publishing) #1 First Publishing 1985
In stock American Flagg Hard Times TPB (1985 First Publishing) #1 First Publishing 1985
In stock American Splendor (1976 Harvey Pekar) #1-17 Harvey Pekar 1976 - 1993
12 of 12 in stock Amethyst Princess of Gemworld (1985 2nd Series) #1-16 DC 1985 - 1986
9 of 12 in stock Amethyst Princess of Gemworld (1985 2nd Series) Canadian Price Variant #1-16 DC 1985 - 1986
Out of stock Amethyst Princess of Gemworld (1985 2nd Series) Mark Jewelers #12 DC 1985
In stock Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (1960-Present Dell) #66-139 Dell Magazines 1960 - 2019
Out of stock Annie Book 1 (1985 Blackthrone) #1 Blackthorne 1985
Out of stock Annual World's Best SF HC (1972-1990 DAW Books) 1972-1990 Daw Books 1972 - 1990
Out of stock Antagonizers Collection (1985 Robert L Hammer) #1 Robert L. Hammer 1985
Out of stock Antisocialman (1985) Annual #1 Matt Feazell 1985
Out of stock Apollo #7 Fanzine 1985
11 of 11 in stock Arak Son of Thunder (1981) #1-50 DC 1981 - 1985
9 of 11 in stock Arak Son of Thunder (1981) Canadian Price Variant #2-50 DC 1981 - 1985
2 of 2 in stock Arak Son of Thunder (1981) Mark Jewelers #2-47 DC 1981 - 1985
5 of 6 in stock Archie (1943 Archie Comics) #1-666 Archie Publications 1943 - 2015
3 of 4 in stock Archie (1943 Archie Comics) Canadian Price Variant #319-391 Archie Publications 1982 - 1991
6 of 6 in stock Archie and Me (1964) #1-161 Archie Publications 1964 - 1986
3 of 5 in stock Archie and Me (1964) Canadian Price Variant #138-160 Archie Publications 1983 - 1986
3 of 6 in stock Archie Andrews, Where are You? Digest (1981) #1-114 Archie Publications 1977 - 1998
Out of stock Archie Andrews, Where are You? Digest (1981) Canadian Price Variant #36-102 Archie Publications 1985 - 1995
0 of 2 in stock Archie Annual Digest (1975) #27-69 Archie Publications 1975 - 1997
6 of 6 in stock Archie at Riverdale High (1972) #1-113 Archie Publications 1972 - 1987
Out of stock Archie at Riverdale High (1972) Canadian Price Variant #90-110 Archie Publications 1983 - 1986
3 of 6 in stock Archie Comics Digest (1973) #1-267 Archie Publications 1973 - 2010
In stock Archie Comics Digest (1973) Canadian Price Variant #39-249 Archie Publications 1979 - 2009
8 of 11 in stock Archie Giant Series (1954 Archie) #1-632 Archie Publications 1954 - 1992
1 of 3 in stock Archie Giant Series (1954 Archie) Canadian Price Variant #1-613 Archie Publications 1954 - 1990
1 of 3 in stock Archie's Activity Comics Digest Magazine (1985) #1-4 Archie Publications 1985 - 1986
0 of 6 in stock Archie's Double Digest (1982) #1-359 Archie Publications 1982 - 2025
6 of 6 in stock Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica (1951) #1-347 Archie Publications 1950 - 1987
Out of stock Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica (1951) Canadian Price Variant #320-347 Archie Publications 1982 - 1987
8 of 8 in stock Archie's Pals 'n' Gals (1955) #1-224 Archie Publications 1953 - 1991
6 of 6 in stock Archie's TV Laugh Out (1969) #1-106 Archie Publications 1969 - 1986
Out of stock Archie's TV Laugh Out (1969) Canadian Editions #103-105 Archie Publications 1985 - 1986
Out of stock Argonaut, The (1977-1995 Argo Press) #4-20 Argo Press 1977 - 1995
9 of 9 in stock Arion Lord of Atlantis (1982) #1-35 DC 1982 - 1985
9 of 9 in stock Arion Lord of Atlantis (1982) Canadian Price Variant #1-35 DC 1982 - 1985
8 of 8 in stock Arion Lord of Atlantis (1982) Mark Jewelers #5-34 DC 1983 - 1985
In stock Arion Lord of Atlantis Special (1985) #1 DC 1985
Out of stock Arion Lord of Atlantis Special (1985) Canadian Price Variant #1 DC 1985
0 of 3 in stock Arken Sword (UK 1985 Paul Duncan) Fanzine #10-21 Paul Duncan 1985 - 1987
0 of 2 in stock Arkham Sampler (1983-1986 The Strange Company) #1-3 The Strange Company 1983 - 1986
In stock Armchair Detective (1967-1997 Mysterious Press) #1-30 Mysterious Press 1967 - 1997
In stock Armor (1985 1st Series) #1-13 Continuity 1985 - 1992
2 of 2 in stock Army Surplus Komikz Featuring Cutey Bunny (1983) #1-5 J Q Enterprises 1983 - 1985
In stock Art of Advertising HC (1985) #1 Peerage Books 1985
Out of stock Art of Olivia SC (1985 Robert Bane) #1 Robert Bane Editions 1985
Out of stock Art of Pierangelo TPB (1985 Blackthorne) #1 Blackthorne 1985
Out of stock Artist's Magazine (1984-current F&W Publications) Magazine #2 F+W Publications 1985
In stock Asimov's Science Fiction (1977-2019 Dell Magazines) #1-43 Davis Publications, Inc. 1977 - 2019
Out of stock Assorted Superlatives #3 Fanzine 1985
Out of stock At Home with Rick Geary HC (1985 Fantagraphics Books) #1 Fantagraphics 1985
8 of 8 in stock Atari Force (1984) #1-20 DC 1984 - 1985
8 of 8 in stock Atari Force (1984) Canadian Price Variant #1-20 DC 1984 - 1985
1 of 8 in stock Atari Force (1984) Mark Jewelers #4-20 DC 1984 - 1985
0 of 2 in stock Atari Force (Dutch 1985 Baldakijn Boeken/JuniorPress) #1-10 Junior Press 1985 - 1986
Out of stock Atlas of Pern SC (1985 Corgi Books) UK Edition #0 Corgi Books 1985
2 of 2 in stock Atomic Mouse (1984 Charlton 2nd Series) #1-12 Charlton Comics Group 1984 - 1986
Out of stock Autoduel Quarterly (1983 Steve Jackson Games) #1-10 Steve Jackson Games 1983 - 1993
12 of 12 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) #1-402 Marvel 1963 - 1996
In stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Annual #1-23 Marvel 1967 - 1994
In stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Annual Canadian Variant #11-15 Marvel 1982 - 1986
12 of 12 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant #224-270 Marvel 1982 - 1986
0 of 12 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Mark Jewelers #98-333 Marvel 1972 - 1991
Out of stock Avengers Patch Series (1984-1985 Marvel) #0 Marvel 1984 - 1985
3 of 3 in stock Avengers West Coast (1985) #1-102 Marvel 1985 - 1994
2 of 3 in stock Avengers West Coast (1985) Canadian Price Variant #1-11 Marvel 1985 - 1986
0 of 2 in stock Avengers West Coast (1985) Mark Jewelers #2-71 Marvel 1985 - 1991
Out of stock Axa Color Album GN (1985 KP Books) First American Edition Series #1 Ken Pierce Books 1985
0 of 2 in stock Axa TPB (1983-1988 Eclipse) First American Edition #1-9 Eclipse 1983 - 1988
4 of 4 in stock Axel Pressbutton (1984) #1-6 Eclipse 1984 - 1985
5 of 5 in stock Aztec Ace (1984 Eclipse) #1-15 Eclipse 1984 - 1985
0 of 2 in stock Back Brain Recluse (1984-2002 BBR) #1-24 BBR 1984 - 2002
Out of stock Back to the Future Souvenir Magazine (1985) 1985 Ira Friedman, Inc. 1985
Out of stock Back to the Future the Storybook SC (1985 Corgi Books) #1 Corgi Books 1985
4 of 4 in stock Badger (1983 1st Series Capital/First) #1-70 Capital/First 1983 - 1991
In stock Balder the Brave (1985 Marvel) #1-4 Marvel 1985 - 1986
In stock Balder the Brave (1985 Marvel) Canadian Price Variant #1-4 Marvel 1985 - 1986
2 of 4 in stock Bantha Tracks (1978) #1-35 Official Star Wars Fan Cl 1978 - 1987
Out of stock Barbarella The Moon Child GN (1978 Heavy Metal) #1 HM Communications 1985
0 of 2 in stock Barbie The Magazine for Girls 198403-199612 Marvel 1984 - 1996
2 of 3 in stock Barks Collector Fanzine #1-42 Bear Mountain Enterprises 1976 - 1989
Out of stock Bash Street Kids HC (1980-2010 D.C. Thomson & Co) Annuals 1980-2010 D. C. Thomson & Co. 1979 - 2009
8 of 12 in stock Batman (1940) #0-713 DC 1940 - 2022
In stock Batman (1940) Annual #1-28 DC 1961 - 2011
Out of stock Batman (1940) Annual Canadian Price Variant #8-12 DC 1982 - 1988
2 of 11 in stock Batman (1940) Canadian Price Variant #337-423 DC 1981 - 1988
0 of 12 in stock Batman (1940) Mark Jewelers #243-396 DC 1972 - 1986
12 of 12 in stock Batman and the Outsiders (1983 1st Series) #1-46 DC 1983 - 1987
11 of 12 in stock Batman and the Outsiders (1983 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant #1-46 DC 1983 - 1987
3 of 11 in stock Batman and the Outsiders (1983) Mark Jewelers #2-33 DC 1983 - 1986
In stock Batman and the Outsiders (1984) Annual #1-2 DC 1984 - 1985
In stock Batman and the Outsiders (1984) Annual Canadian Price Variant #1-2 DC 1984 - 1985
In stock Battle Action Force (UK 1983-1986 IPC) 1983-1986 IPC 1983 - 1986
11 of 48 in stock Battle Picture Library (UK 1961-1984 IPC/Fleetway) 1st Series #1-1706 IPC/Fleetway 1961 - 1992
0 of 53 in stock Battle Picture Library (UK 1985-1992 IPC/Fleetway) 2nd Series #1-349 IPC/Fleetway 1985 - 1991
Out of stock Battle Picture Weekly Annual HC (UK 1975-1988 IPC) Battle Action Force/Battle Annual #0 IPC Magazines 1975 - 1988
Out of stock Baum Bugle A Journal of Oz (1957) #5-59 The International Wizard of Oz Club 1961 - 2015
1 of 53 in stock Beano (UK 1950 D.C. Thomson) #1-3960 D. C. Thomson & Co. 1938 - 2018
Out of stock Beano Book (1940-Present D.C. Thomson & Co.) Annuals 1940-2021 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1939 - 2020
0 of 12 in stock Beatles Book (1963-2003 Beat Publications) Magazine #1-321 Beat Publications 1963 - 2003
3 of 3 in stock Beauty and the Beast (1985 Marvel) #1-4 Marvel 1984 - 1985
3 of 3 in stock Beauty and the Beast (1985 Marvel) Canadian Price Variant #1-4 Marvel 1984 - 1985
1 of 2 in stock Bedlam (1985 Eclipse) #1-2 Eclipse 1985
0 of 52 in stock Beezer (1956-1990 D.C. Thomson) UK #1-1809 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1956 - 1990
Out of stock Beezer Annual HC (1961-1999 D. C. Thomson & Co.) Beezer Book 1961-1999 D. C. Thomson & Co. 1960 - 1998
Out of stock Best Detective Cases (1951-2000 Fawcett) #1-50 Fawcett 1951 - 2000
Out of stock Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year TPB (1972-Present Pelican) 1972-2011 Pelican 1972 - 2010
3 of 3 in stock Best of 2000 AD Monthly (1985) #1-119 IPC Magazines 1985 - 1992
7 of 12 in stock Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest (1979) #1-71 DC 1979 - 1986
2 of 12 in stock Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest (1979) Canadian Price Variant #29-71 DC 1982 - 1986
Out of stock Best of Fangoria (1982) #1-13 Starlog 1982 - 1994
Out of stock Best of Gil Thorpe TPB (1985-1989) #1-3 Take Five Productions 1985 - 1989
Out of stock Best of Hagar the Horrible SC (1985 Comicana Books) #1 Comicana Books 1985
Out of stock Best of Starlog #1-7 Starlog 1980 - 1986
0 of 2 in stock Best of the Dragon Magazine (1980) #1-5 TSR 1980 - 1986
1 of 3 in stock Best of the Tribune Company (1985) #1-4 Dragon Lady Press 1985 - 1986
Out of stock Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (1980-1985 Games Workshop) #1-3 Games Workshop 1980 - 1985
6 of 6 in stock Betty and Me (1966 Archie) #1-200 Archie Publications 1966 - 1992
0 of 2 in stock Betty and Me (1966 Archie) Canadian Price Variant #144-189 Archie Publications 1985 - 1991
0 of 6 in stock Betty and Veronica Digest (1980 Archie) #1-208 Archie Publications 1980 - 2010
Out of stock Bible Coloring Book (Creative Child Press) 1985 1985
Out of stock Bimbo Book HC (1962-1985 D.C. Thomson & Co.) Annuals 1963-1986 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1962 - 1985
Out of stock Black Cauldron GN (1985 Scholastic) #1 SCHOLASTIC 1985
Out of stock Black Cauldron Taran Finds a Friend HC (1985 Golden Books) A Little Golden Book #1 Golden Books 1985
6 of 6 in stock Black Dragon (1985 Marvel/Epic) #1-6 Marvel/Epic 1985
3 of 5 in stock Black Zeppelin (1985) #1-5 Renegade Press 1985
In stock Blackmoon (1985) #1-3 U.S. Comics 1985 - 1987
0 of 12 in stock Blackthorne Preview Magazine Vol. 1 (1985) #1-12 Blackthorne 1985
In stock Bloom County Penguin Dreams and Strange Things TPB (1985) #1 Little Brown and Company 1985
12 of 12 in stock Blue Devil (1984) #1-31 DC 1984 - 1986
12 of 12 in stock Blue Devil (1984) Canadian Price Variant #1-31 DC 1984 - 1986
1 of 12 in stock Blue Devil (1984) Mark Jewelers #4-23 DC 1984 - 1986
In stock Blue Devil (1985) Annual #1 DC 1985
Out of stock Blue Devil (1985) Annual Canadian Price Variant #1 DC 1985
Out of stock Blueprinting the Science Fiction Universe SC (1985 New Media Books) #1 New Media Books Inc. 1985
Out of stock Book of Kane HC (1985 Donald M. Grant) #1 Donald M. Grant 1985