"The Veldt of Phantom Fangs," art by Maurice Whitman; The witch Zan-zar begins preaching war among the jungle natives; An old woman, who gives her name as Barda, takes Kaänga and Ann to Zan-zar's hidden headquarters; Barda reveals that she is the real Zan-zar and the leopard cult that had been serving the imposter turns on her. Untitled story, art by Enrico Bagnoli; Chief Nayika has invited Marvella, the woman who cannot die, to visit his tribe; Marvella and her assistant, after a display of stage magic, demand tribute from the Fajelus; Tabu senses trickery afoot and, in seeking to stop it, accidentally wounds a boy, unwittingly falling into a well-laid trap set by the magicians. Untitled story; The crooked trader, Congo Jacques, uses ventriloquism to convince natives that their god wishes the lancers driven from the jungle; The natives attend Captain Terry Thunders annual recruitment drive and wreak havoc. Untitled story, pencils by Henry Kiefer; Offended that his people would prefer Western medicine to his, Kaw poisons the jungle's waterholes, driving the animals mad; Wambi forces Kaw to treat the animals and promise to never poison them again. Untitled story, art by Ralph Mayo; Renegades kidnap Hope Harris and hold her for ransom; Camilla encounters the kidnappers but believes there story that Hope is the daughter of one of their party and they are taking her for medical treatment. Untitled story; Simba prevents a Cape buffalo herd from driving men from a water hole, and the men begin to leave food offerings for Simba; The offerings anger Cheeta who breaks in the men's kraal and smashes their chicken coops. 52 pgs., full color.
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