Cover by Mark Fredrickson. Stories and art by Don Martin, John Kerschbaum, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, John Caldwell, Scott Maiko, Frank Santopadre, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Tom Koch, Paul Peter Porges, Evan Waite, Kit Lively, Desmond Devlin, Mike Morse, John Martz, Hermann Mejia, Anton Emdin, Scott Bricher, Josh Mecouch, Richard Williams, Nathan Cooper, Tim Carvell, Dale Stephanos, Scott Nickel, Harry North, Esq., Dakota McFadzean, David DeGrand, Christopher Baldwin, Box Brown, Irving Schild, Tom Bunk, Tom Richmond, Peter Kuper, and Sergio Aragones, plus Fundalini Pages by Tom Cheney, Matt Lassen, Evan Waite, Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope, Paul Coker, and Jeff Kruse. A parody of TV's Orange Is the New Black. Mad keeps up with the new media, including references to Facebook, streaming TV, Internet polls, and reverse image searches. Cartoons by indie cartoonist John Kerschbaum. Mad's takes on puberty, reverse mortgages, and dorm posters. Marginals by Sergio Aragones, and Spy vs. Spy. Plus the Don Martin Sound Effect Name Generator. The Fundalini Pages; Orange Is the New Blecch; The Prohibitive Cost of Bathing Tub; Fun Facebook Facts; Planet TAD!!!!!; Phrases That Left the English Language in 2014; The Slobbit / Bored of the Rings 2015 Middle Earth Calendar; A Mad Look at Puberty; The Mad Vault: Only in the Middle of the Night...; Spy vs. Spy; AAUGH Reverse Mortgages; The Strip Club; Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows: TMZ; Questions We'd Like to Ask the Turkey Hotline; The Best of The Idiotical; Fold-In. 8.5-in. x 11-in., 60 pages, PC/PB&W.
Cover price $5.99.