Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Chic Stone (ghosting for Bob Kane) and Sid Greene. Cover by Irv Novick. The Frigid Finger of Fate!; Pete Maddox dreams reveal the future, and he uses this information to win money at the track; he also hires thieves to rob a diamond exchange, spurring Batman into action. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Mike Sekowsky and George Roussos. The Face That Stopped Clocks!; a man, claiming his face can stop clocks, stops Sue Dibnys watch and a wall clock; Ralph Elongated Man Dibny investigates. Cap's Hobby Hints by Henry Boltinoff. Letters to the editor from comics historian Peter Sanderson, Jr. and letter hack Guy H. Lillian. 36 pages, full color. $0.12.
Cover price $0.12.