Cover art by Neal Adams. Today Mars, Tomorrow the Universe starring Superman, Batman, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl, script by Bob Haney, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Murphy Anderson; Superman, Batman, and J'onn J'onzz go to Mars II to prevent the Martians from conquering a city with deadly atmosphere. The Man-Bear Stalks at Midnight starring Green Arrow and Black Canary, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Michael Netzer [as Mike Nasser], inks by Terry Austin. Hospital of Fear starring Black Canary, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Michael Netzer [as Mike Nasser], inks by Terry Austin. The Plague Makers starring The Vigilante, script by Bill Kunkel, art by Gray Morrow. Hell on Skis starring Wonder Woman, script by Gerry Conway, pencils by Jim Sherman, inks by Bob Wiacek. 84 pgs. Statement of ownership--average print run 440,000; average paid circulation 196,000. 84 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $1.00.