Mitch O'Connell cover. Ranxerox in New York by Tamburini & Libertore. Tex Arcana by John Findley. Erotica par Barbe by Barbe. Rebel with a Cause by Dick Matena. June 2050 by Len Wein & Tom Yeates. 1992 by Segrelles. Help Wanted by Murad Gumen. The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke & Lebbeus Woods.
Bird Dust by Caza. I'm Age by Jeff Jones. Alien in New York by Byron Preiss & Alex Nino. HM's Star Dissections by Drew Friedman. My Vampires: A Memoir by David Black, art by Randall Enos.
Valentina the Pirate by Crepax.
Rock Opera by Rod Kierkegaard, Jr.
The Bus by Paul Kirchner.
January 1984, issue 82.
Cover price $2.00.