Cover by Joe Kubert. "The Aliens from 2,000 B.C.", script by Jack Miller, art by Joe Kubert; An egyptology professor asks for Rip's help in solving mysterious hieroglyphs showing the ancient Egyptians worshipping unknown gods; With his fellow time masters tagging along, Rip takes the Time Sphere into the year 2000 B.C., landing in the ancient Egypt village of El Karnak., where two alien beings from another world have been portraying themselves as gods and demanding tribute from the poor villagers; Following the extraterrestrials to their island hideout, Rip finds that they are preparing for a global takeover using robot soldiers manufactured from a machine; He and Jeff destroy the robot-maker and rush back to the village to try and warn the people about the aliens and their remaining robots; The villagers at first don't believe them, but then a brilliant flash of light occurs and two more alien visitors appear; They explain that they are the law enforcement of their world, and that they came to recapture the two escaped criminals that made their way to Earth; It's at that time when the robots come into view! Continued in Rip Hunter, Time Master #1. Professor Eureka half-page by Henry Boltinoff. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.